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发布时间:2018-12-17 22:31
[Abstract]:The system of investigating the personality of juvenile criminal cases refers to the public security organs, people's procuratorates and people's courts, when dealing with juvenile criminal cases, on the basis of the investigation of the basic criminal facts, The non-legal factors of juvenile delinquency are investigated comprehensively, and the system of evaluation and analysis of juvenile criminal suspects and defendants is carried out. The existence and development of personality investigation system depends on the solid theoretical foundation, including the theory of criminal personality, the theory of individualization of punishment, the theory of educational punishment, the theory of re-socialization and so on. It is of great value for juvenile delinquency to return to society, the social management of juvenile delinquency and the protection of minors' human rights. The personality investigation system of juvenile criminal cases has different regulations in both Anglo-American law countries and civil law countries. Although the provisions of the personality investigation system vary from country to country, they also have common points. The legal provisions of each country are operable, and specialized personnel are arranged to carry out the investigation of the personality of minors. The content of personality investigation report is designed reasonably, different applicable stages are divided, and the procedure of personality investigation system is regulated by law. At present, there are some problems in the investigation system of minors' personality in law and judicial practice. The system of investigating the personality of minors is provided for in judicial interpretation and departmental regulations. The Criminal procedure Law, as amended in 2012, provides for the system of personality investigation for the first time in criminal legislation, but remains blank in the area of criminal substantive law. In practice, there are some problems in personality investigation system, such as confusion of the subject of investigation, limited scope of application of personality investigation system, unclear nature of investigation report, backward investigation method, lack of investigation procedure and so on. We should perfect the personality investigation system from many aspects. For example, make clear the principle of personality investigation system, including the principle of comprehensive investigation, the principle of bidirectional protection, the principle of objective neutrality; Improve the subject of investigation, establish a unified subject of investigation, improve the investigative ability of the subject, clarify the rights and obligations of the subject of investigation, expand the scope of application of personality investigation and clarify the legal nature of the report of personality investigation; Perfecting the methods of investigation, including general investigation method and special investigation method, constructing the complete investigation procedure, not only including the initiation and application of the investigation procedure, but also strengthening the trial and supervision of the investigation.


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