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发布时间:2018-12-26 10:37
[Abstract]:The system of centralized jurisdiction over administrative litigation is the focal point of the reform of administrative cases in courts at all levels in China for many years, and it is also the most fruitful part of achieving practical results and experience. As early as 2000, the pilot work of the centralized jurisdiction system began in some areas under the leadership of the Supreme Court. In 2007, the trial work of "relatively centralized designated jurisdiction system" carried out by the Lishui Intermediate people's Court in Zhejiang Province received widespread attention. The feedback effect and related data are systematically evaluated and analyzed, which has caused a great response among scholars. After this, under the promotion of the Supreme people's Court, centralized jurisdiction has been popularized and tried in many places, and more comprehensive feedback results have been obtained. After the revision of the Administrative Litigation Law in 2014, courts at all levels were able to open their hands and hands, and generally began to reform the system of centralized jurisdiction of administrative proceedings in their respective jurisdictions. Taking the reform of the centralized jurisdiction system in Shenzhen in June 2015 as a reference example, this paper collects relevant data for systematic analysis in order to explore the advantages and existing problems of the centralized jurisdiction system in practice. Through the data we can find that centralized jurisdiction system can play the value of hindering the improper intervention of administration, improving the efficiency and professionalism of the trial, allocating the judicial resources and the same judgment standard, enhancing the credibility of the judicature and so on. But at the same time, there are also some problems, such as insufficient protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, imperfect supporting system, incomplete reform and so on. Through the in-depth analysis of the above problems, it is found that by adjusting the corresponding measures, reducing litigation costs, building communication mechanism and other ways can achieve the rational improvement of centralized jurisdiction system, which is also the focus of this study. It is worth noting that the centralized jurisdiction system is a transitional system, and its ultimate direction should be the establishment of special administrative courts. Therefore, the author further discusses the feasibility of the establishment of special administrative courts, and makes a preliminary study on the establishment of hierarchy and the structure of judicial functions. With a view to the future development of our country's administrative litigation trial system for some beneficial thinking.


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