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发布时间:2019-03-19 12:26
[Abstract]:China's current legislative provisions on criminal procedure clearly stipulate that witnesses should truthfully inform the known case information in the course of questioning, because the verbal evidence has the advantage that other types of evidence cannot be replaced in the course of the investigation of the case. Therefore, such a legislative provision would not be beyond reproach. However, when there is a kinship between the witness and the suspect or defendant, the legal obligation to testify will put the witness in a dilemma. If a relative witness chooses to testify against his or her inner will, he or she will suffer a great deal, and if a relative witness refuses to testify against his or her inner will, he or she will also violate the relevant legal provisions, Because the law of our country stipulates that the witness has the obligation to testify truthfully. In order to alleviate the dilemma of relatives witnesses, most countries choose to set the right of refusing relatives in legislation. On the basis of inheriting the history and culture, our country should set up the specific relatives' right of refusing evidence in the legislation. In the history of our country, there exists the right of refusing evidence from relatives, which can be said to have been gradually transformed from the system of closeness between relatives and relatives. Since the birth of the system, the system has been recognized by the rulers of all dynasties, and gradually rose to the legislative level, and eventually transformed into the right of refusal of relatives. However, since the founding of New China, there is no right of refusal of relatives in the legislation of criminal procedure in China. It was not until 2012 that the legislative spirit of this right was embodied in the criminal procedure legislation of our country. However, at present, our country has not established the real right of refusing to testify, because the most basic content of this right should be the right of the relative witness to refuse to testify, and the right of refusing to appear in court is only the content of some national legislation. Therefore, through the methods of historical analysis and literature research, this paper discusses the right to refuse evidence of relatives, and mainly through four chapters to show the main contents of this paper. The first chapter briefly discusses the specific development process of the right to refuse evidence of relatives in our country. This part uses the historical research method, along the historical development vein, discusses the birth, development and present situation of the relatives' right of refusing to testify in our country. Its contents mainly include the historical evolution process of the system of close relatives and the transition process from the system to the right of refusing evidence from relatives and the present legislative situation of our country. The second chapter combs the legislative provisions of the right of refusing evidence of relatives in the two legal systems, including Britain, the United States, Germany and Japan, and makes a comparative study on this basis. The third chapter analyzes some problems and reasons existing in the current legislation of our country. The existing problems include conflicts in the application of law, narrow scope of subject application, unclear definition and incomplete stage of application of the right of refusal of evidence of relatives, among which the existing problems are enumerated, including conflicts in the application of law, narrow scope of subject application, and unclear definition. The lack of corresponding safeguards and relief measures and the absence of exceptions to the privilege. For the reason analysis this part, mainly from the following aspects to state, including excessive criticism and resistance to our traditional legal system and literature, mechanical copying of the former Soviet Union litigation system and theory, and so on. In addition, it also analyzes the reasons of the legal thought of our country. The fourth chapter discusses the necessity of setting up the right and the specific theoretical considerations, which is the most difficult point of this paper. This paper mainly discusses the necessity of constructing relatives' right of refusing evidence from the aspects of promoting social harmony, establishing legal authority and improving the efficiency of litigation. At the same time, from the aspects of the basic type, the subject of the right, the safeguard and relief measures and the modification of the exception, this paper discusses the specific provisions of the right to refuse the certificate of the relatives of our country.


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