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发布时间:2019-04-17 18:23
[Abstract]:It is a controversial issue in theory and practice to examine the understanding and application of the condition of "social danger" in arrest (the criminal procedure law of 1996 is called "the necessity of arrest"). Some scholars believe that the "social danger" includes two dangerous aspects that hinder the smooth conduct of criminal proceedings and continue to endanger the society. Some scholars have pointed out that the content of "social danger" should guarantee the possibility of normal conduct of criminal proceedings and the possibility of continuing to commit crimes from the nature of a criminal act. Criminal suspects and defendants of their own physical and psychological conditions to be examined. The more common view is that the so-called "social danger" includes two aspects: criminal danger and personal danger; Personal danger also includes the possibility of re-crime and the possibility of obstructing criminal proceedings. Arrest measures can be applied only in cases of "social danger" provided for by law, as well as in cases where bail-outs are not sufficient to prevent the occurrence of such a social hazard. 14 March 2012, The Fifth session of the Eleventh National people's Congress deliberated and adopted the decision on amending the Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China, which provides relatively detailed provisions on the "social danger". The maneuverability of judicial practice has been promoted to a certain extent; However, it does not provide further clarity and normative provisions on a range of issues such as the "social hazard" evidence, the extent of proof and its procedural safeguards, The public security organs still pay little attention to the collection and collation of relevant evidence materials of social hazard proof, which makes the procuratorial organ's analysis and examination of the elements of "social danger" still fall into the awkward situation of "making a meal without rice". In judicial practice, there is still a lot of discretion for the caseload, and the substantial analysis and certification of "social danger" in the examination and arrest is still not optimistic. The proof of social danger is a whole, comprehensive analysis and authentication process, must follow the general logic law; We should always start from certain objective facts and behavioral elements, which should be examined one by one from the micro-level, but also from the macro-angle to grasp it as a whole. This paper tries to find out and grasp some problems and reasons of social hazard proof from the point of view of demonstration, and then puts forward corresponding reform suggestions, which will contribute a little to the perfection of the social hazard proof mechanism. This article is divided into three parts: the first part is based on the relevant information of the people's Procuratorate of Q State of G Province from 2011 to July 2014. (B) Analysis of the relevant data on "non-social danger" in the context of the review of arrests; It also focuses on the relevant situation of the proof of social danger in the revised Code of Criminal procedure since its formal implementation on January 1, 2013, so as to find and grasp the realistic predicament of the proof of social danger in the process of examination and arrest. The second part focuses on the practical dilemma of social danger proof in the process of examination and arrest, and expounds the reasons for many problems caused by social danger proof in combination with its own judicial practice. The third part, on the basis of a relatively accurate grasp of the crux of the proof of social danger, draws lessons from the content and practical experience of the relevant system; Some specific measures are put forward to improve the main responsibility, standard setting, norm and program design of the proof of social danger.


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