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发布时间:2019-06-12 01:14
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of social economy and the continuous change of social management mode, the administrative power enjoyed by the main body of state administration is also constantly expanding, and abstract administrative acts have gradually penetrated into all aspects of our lives. Naturally, for abstract administrative inaction, the cases that infringe on our legitimate rights and interests will also increase more and more, and the existing system will also increase the cases of abstract administrative omission. There is still a lack of very effective supervision, resulting in the absence of supervision. From the judicial point of view, the theoretical circle has always advocated the establishment of abstract administrative omission cases, and analyzes the theoretical basis, reality, feasibility and so on. However, the establishment of a legal system is not achieved overnight, and it needs to be "in accordance with the rules and according to local conditions". Therefore, the Administrative procedure Law of our country was amended in 2015, although the lawsuit of abstract administrative acts has not been clearly established, but it explicitly stipulates the content of judicial review of abstract administrative acts. Although for the judicial review, unfortunately, it is not included in the scope of accepting cases of administrative acts, but to a certain extent, It can also be regarded as a new trend and development of abstract administrative omission in the field of judicial litigation, and the first step in establishing the litigation system of abstract administrative act is taken. This paper first expounds the concept, constituent elements, classification and characteristics of abstract administrative omission, so that we can understand and grasp the judicial theory behind the case of abstract administrative omission. Secondly, it mainly expounds the relief way of abstract administrative omission in the legislation of Administrative procedure Law, that is, the stipulation of judicial collateral review, the characteristics and the existing disputes and the problems existing in plaintiff qualification, and focuses on the theoretical basis, reality and urgency of establishing abstract administrative litigation, especially abstract administrative omission litigation. Finally, according to the current legislative provisions and the development trend of administrative legislation reform, this paper expresses personal understanding and views, such as abstract administrative omission into the scope of accepting cases in administrative litigation, expanding the scope of examination, gradually establishing the examination mode supplemented by collateral review, expanding the power of examination, establishing abstract administrative public interest litigation, and defining the qualification of plaintiffs, etc. Abstract administrative act, as a normal form of management of the country, should be effectively supervised and improved both in terms of the theory of the rule of law and the practice of the rule of law. Although the current administrative legislation is only limited to abstract administrative documents other than regulations, it is believed that combined with the continuous development of the national conditions and the situation of the rule of law in our country, it will continue to develop and establish whether the abstract administrative act should be regarded as a lawsuit.


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