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发布时间:2019-08-03 11:40
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of information technology, electronic data information, such as mobile phone short message, online chat record, network IP address and so on, is more and more commonly used as evidence in criminal proceedings. Since the Criminal procedure Law (Amendment) listed "electronic data" as a legal type of evidence in March 2012, how to authenticate electronic evidence has become a difficult problem in front of criminal judges. Through the statistical analysis of the criminal adjudication documents, it is not difficult to find that the process of criminal judge certification is simple in criminal proceedings, and there is a common problem of "transformed evidence", the authentication method is not paid enough attention to, and the application of "two-step authentication" is not common enough. In order to solve the problem of electronic evidence authentication, we should perfect the evidence rules and establish the electronic evidence verification rules in legislation; in judicial practice, we should establish the "two-step and three-point method" to complete the authentication process of electronic evidence, that is, to authenticate the legitimacy, relevance and authenticity of electronic evidence through the adoption and acceptance of electronic evidence, so as to complete the process of electronic evidence authentication.
【作者单位】: 齐齐哈尔大学哲法学院;天津市第一中级人民法院;


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