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  本文关键词:小产权房利益相关者的利益关系研究 出处:《中央民族大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 小产权房 利益相关者 利益关系

【摘要】:小产权房并不是一个经济或法律上的术语,它是人们在日常的经济交往和社会实践中形成的一种约定俗成的说法,是为了区别于法律明文保护的“大产权房”。本文所研究的小产权房为建设在农村集体所有土地之上,销售对象为非本集体组织内成员,未缴纳土地出让金等相关费用,并且由乡政府或村委会颁发产权证的一种房产。 小产权房在改革开放后就零零碎碎地涌现,只是近几年来形成较大规模。小产权房的出现满足了部分主体的利益诉求,与此同时,却扰乱了国家对土地的总体规划及房地产秩序、挑战着法律的权威性,给土地管理部门和建设部门带来了管理上的难题和漏洞。国家三令五申发出风险提示,明确提醒城市居民不要购买在集体土地上建设的小产权房,部分城市甚至对小产权房实行围追堵截,强行拆除的严厉措施,但是,即便面对2010年国土部出台的“一案一处理”暂时政策,各利益主体的对赌心理反而更加疯狂,小产权房开发之风难以刹住。 小产权房发展到今天这个规模,已经成为下至普通民众、上至政府等社会各阶层极为关心的问题,促使国内一些学者从经济、社会、法律等多角度对小产权房的问题展开研究。本文正是在诸多学者研究的基础之上,在政府大刀阔斧的小产权房处理背景下,分析小产权房的基本问题及其形成的内在机制。通过分析明晰其存在的不合法及风险问题,但深究其形成及长期存在的原因,我们不难发现小产权房的出现和发展决不是偶然的,是我国农村集体土地所有制度框架下出现的特有现象,也是在我国社会经济迅速发展过程中,城市化进程加快、城乡二元经济结构以及新农村建设等大背景下产生的问题。其影射出我国城市房地市场、住房保障制度、农村土地制度、农村土地管理、农民利益保护等方面存在诸多问题。更重要的是,小产权房问题牵动着多方利益主体的神经,这在一定程度上加剧了小产权房处理的艰巨性与复杂性。 因此,本文紧接着运用利益相关者理论和博弈论的知识对小产权房牵动着各个主体——农民集体、城市居民、城市房地产开发商和政府之间的利益关系进行了解析,明确小产权房现象已经不是一个市场占有量和影响房地产市场价格波动的问题了,它触及各利益主体关于农村集体土地使用权的市场转让及相关的利益分配机制,进而挑战着相关制度应该遵从何种利益取向进行调整,以及相关机制调整所带来的社会效益问题。 最后,结合现有的小产权房规制政策及现实困境,提出处理小产权房问题应该坚持的原则,强调在保证法律连续性和权威性及全局规划的同时,注重对农民集体和购房者的利益的保护,区别对待,循序渐进,以人为本,从而构建和谐社会。紧接着分别从各主体的利益诉求为出发完善相关利益协调机制,从而为小产权房问题提供一个解决思路。
[Abstract]:Small property is not an economic or legal term, it is a kind of common people in the form of daily economic exchange and social practice that is in order to distinguish the law protection of "property rights". Small property in this paper for the construction of the rural collective land. The sales target, for non members of the collective organizations, not to pay land leasing and other related costs, a real estate and property certificate will be issued by the township government or village.
The small property right room 00 pieces to emerge after the reform and opening up, it is only in recent years to form a larger scale. The small property right room there to meet the demands of the interests of the part of the body at the same time, it disturbs the order of the country to the land planning and real estate, challenged the authority of the law, brought on management problems and loopholes to land management departments and construction departments. The state sanlingwushen issued a risk warning, clearly remind city residents not to buy small property in the collective construction land, part of the city even dogged the implementation of small property, stringent measures, forcibly removed but, even in the face of the Department of homeland introduced in 2010 "a case of a deal" temporary policy stakeholders on gambling psychology but more crazy, small property development is difficult to check the wind.
Small property development of this scale, has become to the common people, to the government and other sectors of society is very concerned, prompting some scholars from the economic, social, legal and other issues of multi angle to the small property right room. This paper is based on many scholars. In small property government make snap deal with the context of the internal mechanism, the analysis of the basic problems of small property and the formation of legal and risk problems. Through analysis of the existence of clear, but get to the bottom of the formation and the long-term existence of the reason, it is not difficult to find a small property and development is not accidental, is a unique phenomenon China's rural collective land ownership system framework, is also in the process of China's social and economic development in the city, to speed up the process, the background of two yuan economic structure in urban and rural areas and new rural construction. The problems in our country. It reflected the city real estate market, the housing security system, rural land system, rural land management, there are many problems in the protection of the interests of farmers. More importantly, the problem of small property affects the stakeholders nerves, which to some extent exacerbated the difficulty of small property the real deal with complexity.
Therefore, this paper then uses the stakeholder theory and game theory affects all farmers collective, city residents of the small property room, between the city real estate developers and government interests analysis, clear phenomenon of small property is not a market share and influence the real estate market price fluctuations the problem, it involves all stakeholders on rural collective land use rights transfer market and the interest distribution mechanism, and then challenged the regulations should be adjusted to their interests, and the relevant system to adjust the social benefits of the problem.
Finally, combined with the existing regulation policy of small property and practical difficulties, proposed to deal with the problem of small property should adhere to the principle, emphasized in ensuring the continuity and authority of the law at the same time and overall planning, protection, pay attention to the farmers' collective and the interests of buyers of the distinction, step by step, people-oriented, to build a harmonious society. Then from the interests of the subject of improving coordination mechanisms related to provide a solution to the problem of small property room.



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