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发布时间:2018-05-31 23:28

  本文选题:地票 + 利益分享机制 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2011年硕士论文

【摘要】:地票制度作为一种创新性制度设计,初衷在于统筹城乡建设用地,实现城乡资源互动,但实际的运行效果与初衷间有很大的差距,利益分享机制不完善是最重要的原因之一。本文正是基于此,试图对地票制度中的利益分享机制进行研究: 全文分为六个部分: 第一部分“引言”,阐述对地票制度中的利益分享机制进行研究的理论价值和现实意义,介绍国内外对该机制的研究状况,说明研究的重点、思路方法与创新之处。 第二部分“‘地票’制度中利益分享的理论基础及意义”,首先介绍了地票制度中利益分享机制的理论基础,主要包括福利经济学理论、外部性理论、土地产权理论及级差地租理论;其次总结了其意义,如有利于实现共同富裕等。 第三部分“‘地票’制度的利益主体及权利安排”,主要介绍了复垦农民、农村集体经济组织、地票需求者、各级地方政府以及地票落地过程中的失地农民等利益主体及权利安排。 第四部分“‘地票’制度中利益分享机制存在的问题”,主要按照主体的分类标准,分别阐述各主体利益分享中存在的问题。 第五部分“实现‘地票’制度中利益公平分享的对策”,针对存在的问题分别详细阐述应对之策,希冀能够成功破解地票制度的生死关,保障地票制度的有效运转。 第六部分“结语”,说明限于本文的篇幅和笔者的能力,本文仅介绍了地票制度中利益分享机制的主要主体,仅是对完善地票制度中利益分享机制的一次尝试。
[Abstract]:Land ticket system as an innovative system design, the original intention is to coordinate urban and rural construction land, achieve urban-rural resources interaction, but there is a big gap between the actual operation effect and original intention, the benefit sharing mechanism is not perfect is one of the most important reasons. Based on this, this paper tries to study the benefit sharing mechanism in the land ticket system. The full text is divided into six parts: The first part of "introduction" expounds the theoretical value and practical significance of the research on the benefit sharing mechanism in the land ticket system, introduces the research status of the mechanism at home and abroad, and explains the key points, thinking methods and innovations of the research. The second part is "the theoretical basis and significance of benefit sharing in the land ticket system". Firstly, it introduces the theoretical basis of the benefit sharing mechanism in the land ticket system, mainly including the theory of welfare economics and the theory of externality. The theory of land property right and the theory of differential land rent; secondly, it summarizes its significance, such as the realization of common prosperity. The third part, "the main body of interest and the arrangement of rights of the land ticket system", mainly introduces the reclamation farmers, the rural collective economic organizations, the land ticket demanders, Local governments at all levels and the land-lost farmers in the process of landing and other interests and rights arrangements. The fourth part, "the problems of the benefit sharing mechanism in the land ticket system", mainly expounds the problems existing in the interest sharing system according to the classification standard of the main body. In the fifth part, "the countermeasures to realize the fair sharing of benefits in the land ticket system", aiming at the existing problems, the author elaborates the countermeasures in detail, hoping to successfully break down the life and death pass of the land vote system and ensure the effective operation of the land ticket system. The sixth part is "conclusion", which is limited to the length of this paper and the author's ability. This paper only introduces the main body of the benefit sharing mechanism in the land ticket system, and it is only an attempt to perfect the benefit sharing mechanism in the land ticket system.


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