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发布时间:2018-06-01 13:06

  本文选题:小产权 + 博弈 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:小产权房自20世纪90年代房地产市场启动之初就大量涌现,政府部门贯对其皆以违法建设论处。尤其是在2012年3月,由国土部牵头、14个部委参与研究制定的小产权房初步清理整治政策方案已上报给国务院,开始系统整理小产权问题。现在几乎中国所有大城市都存在小产权房,小产权房的高利润,吸引着大量的利益群体,开发商、村委会、购房者都参与其中。然而,对于小产权房的产权问题,则仅在一定的范围内被承认。也就是说没有物权的特性,也就不享有物权的基本权利,不受《物权法》的保护,也无处分的权力。但因小产权房涉及的群体众多,并且已经形成的客观存在让小产权房的解决必须慎之又慎,否则极有可能造成不稳定的因素。 本文拟通过分析小产权房的产生背景、凸显的原因结合学界的主要观点,分析小产权房问题产生的社会原因;通过分析现行的土地制度、相关法律规定,尤其是农村宅基地、建设用地方面法律,结合现行农村的现状,寻找小产权房问题产生的制度原因;剖析以上各种原因的基础上,着重对“小产权房”庞大的卖方市场行为进行分析,运用法律经济学上博弈分析的方法,分析土地市场上各利益主体,如中央政府、地方政府、集体经济组织、集体经济组织成员等在农村土地市场中利益博弈,来判断现行上地制度对主体行为导向作用的大小,探讨通过进行集体土地流转制度改革来解决小产权房问题,论证构建集体土地使用权流转相关制度的可行性。
[Abstract]:Since the start of the real estate market in the 1990s, small property houses have emerged in large numbers. In particular, in March 2012, led by the Ministry of Land, 14 ministries and departments participated in the study and development of a preliminary cleaning up policy plan for small property houses, which was submitted to the State Council and began to systematize the issue of small property rights. Now almost all big cities in China have small property houses, the high profit of small property houses, attracting a large number of interest groups, developers, village committees, home buyers are involved. However, for the property rights of small property rights, only within a certain scope is recognized. That is to say, without the characteristics of real right, we will not enjoy the basic right of real right, not be protected by Real right Law, and have no right to dispose of property right. However, because of the large number of groups involved in small property houses, and the objective existence that has been formed, the settlement of small property houses must be extremely cautious, otherwise it is very likely to cause unstable factors. This article through the analysis of the background of the production of small property housing, prominent reasons combined with the main academic point of view, analyze the social causes of the problem of small property rights, through the analysis of the current land system, relevant laws and regulations, especially the rural homestead, On the basis of analyzing the above reasons, the law of construction land, combined with the current situation of rural areas, to find out the institutional reasons for the problem of small property right, to analyze the huge market behavior of "small property house", By using the method of game analysis in law and economics, this paper analyzes the interests game of various interest subjects in the land market, such as the central government, local government, members of collective economic organizations, etc., in the rural land market. To judge the extent of the current land system to guide the main body behavior, to explore the collective land transfer system reform to solve the problem of small property rights, and to demonstrate the feasibility of the construction of collective land use rights transfer system related to the feasibility.


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