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发布时间:2018-03-15 08:42

  本文选题:农村土地承包经营权 切入点:退出 出处:《广东财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:目前农村土地承包经营权流转因其有助于弥补我国农村土地制度的缺陷,,而越来越为学者们所重视。农村土地承包经营权退出在弥补我国农村土地土地制度的缺陷方面,可以发挥农村土地承包经营权流转所不能发挥的作用。但是农村土地承包经营权退出问题却没有引起学界足够的重视。本文针对笔者所发现的问题,通过自己的思考分析,以期对解决农村土地承包经营权退出所存在的问题有所助益。本文共分为四个部分: 第一部分为农村土地承包经营退出的基本问题,本部分首先界定了土地承包经营权退出的相关概念,以明晰土地承包经营权退出的内涵。进而从土地承包经营权退出的必要性和可行性两方面分析了完善土地承包经营权退出机制的现实意义。 第二部分为我国法律关于土地承包经营权退出的规定及缺陷。本部分首先对法律法规文本中关于农村土地承包经营权退出问题的缺陷进行了分析,认为现行法律法规中关于土地承包经营权退出的规定的缺陷有:法律概念不准确,程序价值缺失以及难以回应现实的需要。进而分析了土地承包经营权退出的相关制度的不足之处。这些不足之处体现在:集体土地所有权主体虚位,农地价格评估制度的缺失以及制度价值目标和实施效果相互冲突。 第三部分为土地承包经营权退出的实践和启示。本部分首先对成都市温江区的“双放弃”进社保的方式进行的了分析,认为其引导农民自愿退出土地承包经营权的做法固然可嘉,但是成都市温江区的做法由政府主导,存在巨大的潜在风险;并且其“带着土地进城”的正当性存疑。然后分析了重庆市的“土地换户籍”的方式,认为这一方式存在农民自愿退出的权利保障的困境以及“土地换社保”的合法性存疑的问题。第四部分为土地承包经营权退出机制的完善。本部分首先分析了土地承包经营权退出所应遵循的原则包括:公平原则,尊重农民的土地权利的原则和统筹兼顾原则。进而分析了完善土地承包经营权退出机制的具体途径,认为应当对集体土地所有权主体进行改造,完善土地承包经营权退出的法定事由以及自愿退出事由的规定。最后笔者认为应建立农地价格评估制度,完善针对退地农民的社会保障制度和完农民再就业培训制度,从这三方面完善土地承包经营权退出的相关配套制度。
[Abstract]:At present, the rural land contract management rights transfer due to the defects in its help to make up for China's rural land system, and more and more valued by scholars. The management right of rural land contracting for rural land exit defects in the land system of our country, can play the rural contracted land circulation can play a role but. The contracted management right of rural land exit problem has not attracted enough attention in academic circles. This paper found in the problem, through their own thinking and analysis, in order to help solve the problem of rural land contracting right exit. This paper is divided into four parts:
The first part is the basic issues from the rural land contract management, this part firstly defines the relevant concepts of land contract management right exit, to clarify the connotation of land contracting right exit. Two aspects of the necessity and feasibility to withdraw from the land contract management right and analyzes the realistic meaning of improving land contract and management rights exit mechanism.
The second part of China's laws and regulations on land contracting right and exit defects. This part carries on the analysis of the rural land contractual management right exit the defect of legal text, defects of regulations on contracted land management right out of the existing laws and regulations are: the legal concept is not accurate, lack of procedural value and it is difficult to respond to the needs of the reality. And then analyzes the shortcomings of land contracting system exit. These deficiencies reflected in: absent subject in collective land ownership, conflicting value goal and lack of system and implementation effect of farmland price evaluation system.
The third part is the practice and Enlightenment of land contracting right exit. The first part of the Chengdu District of Wenjiang City, the "double up" into social security was analyzed, the guide farmers voluntary withdrawal of the right to land contractual management practice is commendable, but the Chengdu city Wenjiang district practice led by the government, there are potential risks great; and its legitimacy with land into the city "in doubt. And then analyzes the Chongqing city land for household registration", argues for the existence of voluntary withdrawal from the protection of the rights and the predicament of "legitimacy of land for social security" the question in this way. The fourth part is to improve the exit mechanism of land contract the right to operate. This part of the first analysis including the right to land contractual management should follow the principles: the principle of fairness, out of respect for the principle of land rights of farmers and the principle of overall planning. Further analysis of the specific ways to improve the land contracting right of exit mechanism, should be considered for the transformation of the collective land ownership, perfecting the legal reasons of the contracted management of land exit regulations and voluntary withdrawal. At last, the author thinks that the subject should establish farmland price evaluation system, perfect for the back of the social security system of the farmers and farmers the employment training system, improve the supporting system of land contracting right exit from these three aspects.



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