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发布时间:2018-03-22 06:25

  本文选题:农村土地产权制度 切入点:变迁 出处:《河南师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国是一个农业大国,农村土地问题对农民来说显得至关重要,也是我国现代化进程中不得不考虑的重要因素,本文对建国以来纵横60余年的农村土地产权制度的变迁情况进行了研究,从土地改革的进行开始,它虽然沿袭了历史上的土地私有制,但是这次改革改变了传统的土地集中于少数人的现象,广大的劳动人民开始成为土地的主人,同时拥有了土地的所有权和使用权,但是这种小农经营渐渐地也阻碍了我国工业化发展的步伐,终于被历史所淘汰。随之我们迎来了农业生产互助合作化运动,从生产互助组开始,在一些简单的生产环节上进行互助,再到初级农业生产合作社时期将一部分土地交由集体,开始了初步的集体经营,但在这过程中一直都没有改变农民的土地私有制。发展到高级社时期农民对土地的所有权和使用权统一收归集体,人民公社时期集体化程度达到顶峰;随后农民自发组织了“包产到户”,一场自下而上的运动得以开展,从十一届三中全会确立家庭联产承包责任制到现在,经过了三十几年的发展也日趋成熟。 由变迁历程我们总结出农村土地产权制度变迁的特征,即所有权经历了从私有到集体所有的变化,与经营权逐渐走向分离,且变迁方式从强制变迁走向诱致性变迁。通过对历史系统的分析我们同样也得到了非常宝贵的历史经验和启示:未来的制度的设计必须立足于农村生产力的发展实际,反对不切实际的政绩工程,政府在制定各项政策、制度的时候必须充分考虑农民的利益,尊重广大劳动人民的选择,并以法律的形式确立,随着实际情况的改变不断完善相关法律内容,充分保护农民的实际权益。 现行农村土地产权制度在实际运行中存在着一些突出问题,如土地所有权主体不明确,,客体边界模糊;土地承包经营权依然存在不确定的因素,农民私自流转土地的现象非常普遍,缺乏一个行之有效的市场流转机制;与此同时,产权制度相关法律建设不够完善等。针对实际出现的这些问题,具体应对之策可以有:使农村土地所有权的主体和客体更加明确,并对其权利和义务加以规定;对于土地承包经营权,在使其变得更加稳定的同时,健全市场流转机制,防止因私下流转而产生的高额成本;法制建设一定要跟得上,以土地承包经营权为中心,为规范对土地的统一管理,必须建立起一整套的法权体系;还要完善征地、户籍、就业、社保等一系列的相关配套措施等等。
[Abstract]:China is a large agricultural country, and the rural land problem is very important to the peasants, and it is also an important factor that must be considered in the process of modernization of our country. This article has carried on the research to the rural land property right system vicissitude since the founding of the people's Republic of China for more than 60 years, starting from the land reform, although it has inherited the historical land private ownership, But this reform has changed the traditional phenomenon that land is concentrated in a small number of people. The vast number of working people have become masters of the land and have the ownership and the right to use the land at the same time. However, this kind of small farmer management gradually hindered the pace of industrialization in our country, and was finally eliminated by history. With this, we ushered in the movement of mutual aid and cooperation in agricultural production, starting with the production mutual-aid group. To assist each other in some simple production links, and to hand over part of the land to the collective during the period of the primary agricultural production co-operatives, the initial collective operation began. However, in this process, there has been no change in the private ownership of land. In the period of the senior commune, the peasants' ownership of land and the right to use the land were unified to the collective, and the collectivization degree of the people's commune reached its peak. Then the peasants spontaneously organized "contracted output to households", a bottom-up movement was carried out, from the third Plenary session of the 11th CPC Central Committee to the establishment of the household contract responsibility system, after more than 30 years of development has also become increasingly mature. From the process of change, we summarize the characteristics of the change of rural land property right system, that is, the change of ownership from private ownership to collective ownership, and the gradual separation of ownership from management right. Through the analysis of the historical system, we also get very valuable historical experience and enlightenment: the design of the future system must be based on the actual development of rural productive forces. To oppose unrealistic performance projects, the government must fully take into account the interests of peasants, respect the choices of the working people and establish them in the form of laws when formulating policies and systems. With the change of the actual situation, the relevant legal contents should be perfected to fully protect the farmers' actual rights and interests. There are some outstanding problems in the actual operation of the current rural land property right system, such as the unclear main body of land ownership, the blurred boundary of the object, the uncertain factors of the right of land contracting and management, The phenomenon of peasants' private circulation of land is very common and lacks an effective market circulation mechanism. At the same time, the legal construction related to the property right system is not perfect enough. The specific countermeasures can be: to make the subject and object of rural land ownership clearer, and to stipulate their rights and obligations; to improve the market circulation mechanism while making the land contractual management right more stable. To prevent the high cost arising from the private circulation, the legal system must be built up with the right of contracted management of the land as the center, and in order to standardize the unified management of the land, a complete system of legal rights must be established, and land requisition and household registration must be perfected. Employment, social security and a series of related supporting measures and so on.


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