发布时间:2018-05-16 17:22
本文选题:土地承包权 + 平等权 ; 参考:《长春理工大学》2013年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Due to imperfect legislation, inconsistent law enforcement, social prejudice, and their own weakness, when marriage relations change (including marriage, divorce, remarriage and widowhood), rural women's equal rights in land contracting are seriously infringed. Strengthening the legal protection of equal rights for rural women in land contracting has always been an important task in the process of rural land system reform and the construction of new socialist countryside. Land is the most basic means of production and livelihood of farmers, land contract right is the most concerned economic rights of farmers. Rural women, like men, are the mainstay of agricultural production and management and enjoy the same rights as men in collective economic organizations. To strengthen the legal protection of rural women's land contractual management right is a basic principle and an important content of rural land contractual management. It is also related to the stability and development of rural society. Based on the research of relevant theory and practice, the author analyzes the problems existing in the realization of this right from the present situation of women's equal rights in rural land contracting in China, and puts forward some relevant protection measures. In order to solve the problem of equal rights protection for rural women in land contracting.
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