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发布时间:2018-11-09 17:38
【摘要】:违宪审查制度是当今法学界研究的一个热点问题。我国虽然已经建立了违宪审查制度,但是在实践中,这一制度并未真正发挥作用。为了保障宪法的实施,建立法治国家,必须要求建立相应的违宪审查制度。违宪审查制度是实现依宪治国目标的制度之一,世界各国的发展趋势以及我国宪法的有效实施,迫切要求完善我国的违宪审查制度。 违宪审查制度的建立取决于违宪审查模式的选择。目前,世界各国的违宪审查模式大致分为三种:第一种是以英国为代表的议会中心审查模式;第二种是以美国为代表的普通法院监督审查模式;第三种是以法国、德国为代表的专门机关监督审查模式。这几种模式各有利弊。目前我国的违宪审查制度还存在着许多不足,宪法制度与宪政监督都存在着缺陷,我们要在吸收和借鉴国外违宪审查模式的先进经验的基础上,选择适合我国国情的违宪审查制度模式,建立具有中国特色的违宪审查制度,即采用在各级人大之下设立的宪法监督委员会和在各级法院内部设立的宪法法庭共同行使违宪审查权这一模式来完善我国的违宪审查制度,维护宪法的权威。
[Abstract]:The system of unconstitutional review is a hot issue in the field of law. Although our country has established the system of unconstitutional review, but in practice, this system has not really played a role. In order to guarantee the implementation of the Constitution and establish a country ruled by law, it is necessary to establish the corresponding review system of unconstitutionality. The review system of unconstitutionality is one of the systems to realize the goal of governing the country according to the constitution. The development trend of countries in the world and the effective implementation of the constitution of our country urgently need to perfect the system of unconstitutional review in our country. The establishment of unconstitutional review system depends on the choice of unconstitutional review mode. At present, there are three kinds of unconstitutional review models in the world: the first is the parliamentary central review model represented by the United Kingdom, the second is the common court supervision review model represented by the United States. The third is France, Germany as the representative of the specialized agencies supervision and review model. These models have their pros and cons. At present, there are still many deficiencies in our country's unconstitutional review system, the constitutional system and constitutional supervision both have defects, we should absorb and draw lessons from the advanced experience of foreign unconstitutional review mode. Choose the model of unconstitutional review system suitable for our country's national conditions, and establish the unconstitutional review system with Chinese characteristics. That is to say, the constitutional supervision committee established under the people's congresses at all levels and the constitutional court set up within the courts at all levels jointly exercise the power of reviewing the constitutionality to perfect the system of unconstitutional review in our country and safeguard the authority of the constitution.


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