发布时间:2018-02-03 16:24
本文关键词: 死缓限制减刑 问题 功能 完善 出处:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:死缓限制减刑制度是在《刑法修正案(八)》中新创立的,其适用范围为累犯以及因故意杀人、强奸、抢劫、绑架、放火、爆炸、投放危险物质或者有组织的暴力性犯罪被判处死刑缓期执行的犯罪分子,这对于改变我国死刑过重,生刑过轻的现象意义重大,通过研究死缓限制减刑,可以对其理论研究和实践运用有所帮助。 死缓限制减刑制度从2011年5月开始施行,到目前为止实施年限比较短,所以还处在摸索阶段,只能通过最高人民法院的指导案例予以实施,存在的问题还比较多,适用条件虽然规定的是“1+8”的形式,但是还需要明确是八种罪名还是八种行为,只规定了死缓的限制减刑,但没有对剥夺政治权力进行相应规定,需要明确,还有适用程序和时间效力都需要具体研究加以明确化。 本文中主要采用两种论证方法进行阐述。1.案例分析法,本文从最高院发布的指导案例中搜索关于死缓限制减刑制度的执行情况,对该制度的适用情况及争议焦点进行简要的分析,通过案件分析引出本文主旨,使文章一方面有循序渐进的效果,另一方面使读者更加直观的了解该制度存在的主要问题。2.文献调查法,本文在中国知网、北大法宝、维普期刊资源整合服务平台以死缓限制减刑作为检索限制条件,搜索到相关文献66篇。本文共分四部分: 第一部分,我国死缓限制减刑制度的基本理论。在这部分中,第一,笔者从介绍我国死缓限制减刑的概念入手,任何一种理论都需要先了解它所要讲的是什么,揭示其跌宕起伏的发展历程和原因,死缓限制减刑制度的发展背景;第二,笔者阐述的是我国死缓限制减刑制度的指导思想,即宽严相济的刑事政策,有了正确的思想指导,死缓限制减刑制度才能得以顺利发展;第三,我国死缓限制减刑制度应当遵循的原则,有罪刑法定原则、罪刑相适应原则、有利于严格执行死刑政策的原则、上诉不加刑原则,有了原则,死缓限制减刑制度才能朝着正确的方向发展。 第二部分,适用死缓限制减刑制度应当注意的问题。由于死缓限制减刑制度是我国新创设的制度,所以在司法实践中应当注意以下几个方面,第一,死缓限制减刑制度的适用对象,《刑法修正案(八)》中只作了简单规定,但是有必要对有争议的予以明确化,是行为还是罪名,累犯的适用死缓限制减刑也应当对不同种类的加以区分;第二,死缓限制减刑制度的适用条件,因为适用死缓限制减刑对罪犯的影响非常大,实际执行刑期比不适用死缓限制减刑要多2.5-3年,所以,应该对适用条件进行仔细研究;第三,适用死缓限制减刑的时间效力,刑法溯及力对罪犯的影响也非常大,应当予以规范;第四,适用死缓限制减刑罪犯在监狱中应当严加看管,由于适用死缓限制减刑的罪犯执行的时间会比较长,心里对改造行为会有所抗拒,所以应当严加看管。 第三部分,死缓限制减刑制度的功能。第一,有利于实现刑罚的一般预防,由于所有的刑罚都是为了实现刑法的最终目的,防止社会上的人犯罪,破坏社会的稳定,实施死缓限制减刑有利于刑法目的的实现;第二,有利于实现刑罚的特殊预防,实施刑罚的另一目的就是防止罪犯再次犯罪,实现刑罚个别化,把罪犯改造成不危害社会的人,死缓限制减刑制度有这个功能。 第四部分,我国死缓限制减刑制度的完善。第一,剥夺政治权利终身也应当适用死缓限制减刑制度,由于《刑法修正案(八)》没有对剥夺政治权利是否适用死缓限制减刑作出规定,所以应该予以完善;第二,死缓限制减刑制度应当允许适用撤销制度,如果适用死缓限制减刑制度的罪犯执行完《刑法》规定的最少执行的刑期,在之后的执行时间里,如果有重大立功、立功等其他情形,应当允许对死缓限制减刑适用撤销,,有利于激励罪犯积极悔改,重返社会。
[Abstract]:Reprieve commutation limit system is in "criminal law amendment (eight) New >, the scope for recidivism and intentional homicide, rape, robbery, kidnapping, arson, explosion, put dangerous substances or organized violent crime was sentenced to death suspended execution of criminals, the change of death penalty in our country overweight, meaning the phenomenon of light punishment student major, through the study of reprieve commutation limit, can help to the theory research and practice.
Reprieve commutation limit system from May 2011 began, so far the implementation of a comparatively short period of time, so it is still in the exploratory stage, can only be implemented by the Supreme People's court case, problems still more suitable conditions, although the provisions of the "1+8" form, but also need to clear eight or eight charges the behavior, only the provisions of the reprieve commutation limit, but no corresponding provisions on the deprivation of political power needs to be clear, and the applicable procedure and the effect of time are needed to clarify the specific research.
This paper mainly adopts two kinds of demonstration methods described.1. case analysis, this article from the case of the Supreme People's Court issued guidance on the implementation of the search reprieve commutation limit system, the system is suitable and the focus of controversy for a brief analysis, case by case analysis. The purpose of this paper is that on the one hand, step by step effect on the other hand, make the reader more intuitive understanding of the main problems existing in the system of.2. based on the method of literature survey, Chinese HowNet, Chinalawinfo, with reprieve commutation limit as the retrieval conditions VIP service platform resource integration, 66 literatures search. This paper is divided into four parts:
The first part, the basic theory of restriction in our country reprieve commutation system. In the first part, the author introduces the concept, the commutation of the sentence reprieve limit of our country, any theory need to understand what it is to say, the ups and downs of the development process and the reasons, the background of the development of reprieve commutation limit system second, the author expounds the; guiding ideology is to restrict our country's reprieve commutation system, the lenient and severe criminal policy, with the correct guiding ideology, reprieve commutation limit system can develop smoothly; third, China's reprieve commutation limit system should follow the principles of criminal law, guilty principle of suiting punishment to crime in principle, to strictly enforce the policy of death penalty principle, the defendants ", principle of reprieve commutation limit system can move in the right direction.
The second part is reprieve commutation limit system should pay attention to the problem. Because the reprieve commutation limit system in China is the creation of a new system, so in the judicial practice should pay attention to the following aspects. First, the applicable object of reprieve commutation limit system, "criminal law amendment (eight) only simple Rules >, but necessary to be controversial is clear, or charges for reprieve commutation limit recidivism should be distinguished to be different; second, the applicable conditions of reprieve commutation limit system, because the influence of the commutation limit for execution of criminals is very large, so the actual execution of sentence is not applicable to reprieve commutation limit 2.53 years, should be carefully study on the applicable conditions; third, application of reprieve commutation limit time effect, influence the retroactivity of criminal law on criminal is also very large, should be standardized; Fourth, apply to reprieve commutation limit criminals in prison should be kept, as the application of reprieve commutation limit criminal execution time will be longer, the heart will have to resist the transformation behavior, so it should be kept.
The third part reprieve commutation limit system function. First, conducive to the realization of general prevention of punishment, the punishment is due to all in order to achieve the ultimate goal of criminal law, the people in the society to prevent crime, destroy the stability of the society, the implementation of reprieve commutation limit is beneficial to the realization of the purpose of criminal law; second, is conducive to the implementation of the special prevention of penalty the implementation of another purpose of punishment is to prevent criminal crime again, individualization of penalty, the criminals do not harm the social system, reprieve commutation limit of this function.
The fourth part of our country, improve the limits of reprieve commutation system. First, deprived of political rights for life should also be applied to reprieve commutation limit system, the "criminal law amendment (eight)" makes no provision for the deprivation of political rights for reprieve commutation limit, so it should be perfect; second, reprieve commutation limit system should allow for revocation the system, if applicable reprieve commutation limit system of criminal executing criminal law provisions of the implementation of < > the minimum sentence, after the implementation of the time, if there is great merit, meritorious and other circumstances, should be allowed to reprieve commutation limit for revocation, to actively encourage criminals to repent and return to society.
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