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发布时间:2018-03-27 09:09

  本文选题:刑法 切入点:网络 出处:《天津师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:利用信息网络实施诽谤行为是最近备受关注的一种犯罪,尤其是当“王帅贴案”“闫德利案”“范冰冰被诽谤案”等类似的案件越来越多地充斥着我们的视线,利用网络这种高科技平台实施的诽谤行为已经悄然成为侵犯他人名誉权的一种方式,名誉权是我国宪法明确规定的公民的基本权利,然而当传统的诽谤行为借助网络的力量,公民名誉权的损害将被放大到很多倍,因而打击网络领域中的诽谤行为亟不可待。但是目前我国刑法对于诽谤罪的规定本身就很笼统,而相关的理论研究也很分散,所以在实践中,处理网络领域中的诽谤罪的时,司法机关般都以刑法第246条以及2009年4月《公安部关于严格依法办理侮辱诽谤案件的通知》来办理案件,但是毕竟网络领域中的诽谤行为与传统诽谤行为在构成要件、损害结果等方面都存在着巨大差异,而法律条文的缺失使得法官自由裁量权无形扩大,进而导致各地均出现了同案不同判的现象,基于此种情况,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院在2013年9月6日颁布了《关于办理利用信息网络实施诽谤等刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释》,该解释对于刑法中“捏造事实”、“情节严重”“危害社会秩序和国家利益”等学术词语进行了详尽解释,学术界普遍认为该解释对于规制网络领域中的诽谤行为将会起到推动作用,同时也对该解释仍然存在一些担忧。因此本文将从一起著名的网络诽谤案件着手,以该案例为蓝本,分析目前对于该种犯罪争议比较大的几个问题,然后按照提出问题——分析问题——解决问题的步骤将全文开头、中间和结尾部分组成一个有机的整体。具体安排如下,本文总共分为五个部分,第一部分是对引入案件的案情进行简单的介绍,使读者对网络领域中的诽谤案件有个整体上的了解;第二部分是以该案件为基础,分析网络领域中诽谤案件中争议比较大的几个问题,探讨关于言论自由与名誉权之间的权衡、自诉与公诉的选择、对于不同主体量刑差异、关于情节严重等量刑标准以及管辖地等问题;第三部分,通过对网络领域中诽谤行为的概念、特征以及构成要件等综合分析,并且对全案作一个定性分析;第四部分是国外关于网络领域中诽谤罪的相关立法、制度;最后是在前文论述以及借鉴域外立法的基础上提出的一些薄见。 虽然是一个简单的案件,但是其给我们带来的深思确实无穷尽的,笔者正是在这样一个背景下对该案件进行详尽分析,以期能对司法实践中处理该类案件有所借鉴,节约司法资源,切实保障公民的名誉权,共同维护网络空间的和谐环境。
[Abstract]:The use of information network implementation of defamation is a crime has recently attracted much attention, especially when the "paste" Yan Shuai case "Dudley" Fan Bingbing case "was a libel case" and other similar cases are increasingly filled with our line of sight, the libel behavior of the network platform for the implementation of this high-tech has quietly become a way infringement of reputation right, reputation right is the basic right in our Constitution clearly stipulates that citizens, however, when the traditional defamation behavior with the power of the network, the citizen's right of damage will be enlarged many times, so to combat Internet domain defamation can not be urgent. But at present our country criminal law provisions for defamation itself is very general, but the relevant theoretical research is also very fragmented, so in practice, processing network in the field of libel, judicial organs as in article 246th of the criminal law and the April 2009 " "Notice of the Ministry of public security on strictly according to the law for insult libel case to handle the case, but after all the network in the field of defamation and libel behavior in traditional elements, damage etc. there are great differences, and the lack of legal provisions of the judicial discretion of intangible expansion, resulting in over there are different CO to the phenomenon, based on this case, the Supreme People's court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate issued" on the handling of defamation law applicable to certain issues in criminal cases explanations using the information network in September 6, 2013, the interpretation for criminal law as a "Fabrication" and "serious" and "harm to social order and national interests" and other academic words a detailed explanation, the academic circles think that the explanation for the regulation of network in the field of defamation will play a role, but also to the There are still some explanation concerns. So this paper will from a famous network libel case to the case based on the analysis of the current problems in this kind of crime is controversial, and then according to this question analysis procedure to solve the problem will be at the beginning of the article, a middle and an end part of an organic whole specific arrangements are as follows. This paper is divided into five parts, the first part is the introduction of the case case are simply introduced, so that readers have a whole understanding of the network in the field of libel cases; the second part is the case as the foundation, analysis of several problems in the case of libel is controversial in the field of networking about, explore the tradeoffs between freedom of speech and the right of reputation, the choice of private and public prosecution, sentencing for different subject differences, if the circumstances are serious about sentencing standards and jurisdiction, etc. The problem; third part, through the concept of network in the field of defamation, a comprehensive analysis of characteristics and elements, and the case for a qualitative analysis; the fourth part is the relevant legislation, libel on foreign networks in the field of crime system; at the end of the paper, some thin see proposed extraterritorial legislation the.
Although it is a simple case, but it does bring us endless thinking, the author is in such a context of the case is analyzed in detail, in order to be helpful to the treatment of such cases in the judicial practice, saving judicial resources, safeguard the citizen's right of reputation, and jointly safeguard the harmonious environment the network space.



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