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发布时间:2018-04-30 14:05

  本文选题:受贿罪 + 定罪处罚标准 ; 参考:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:From the founding of New China to the implementation of the Criminal Law in 1979, China adopted the penalty standard of "counting on stolen goods" for the crime of accepting bribes, and attached to the crime of corruption, after the implementation of the Criminal Law in 1979 to before the implementation of the Criminal Law in 1997. The crime of accepting bribes has adopted the penalty standard of "taking the circumstances as the center" and has its independence. Since the implementation of the Criminal Law in 1997, the penalty standard for the crime of accepting bribes has been "taking the amount as the center and taking the circumstances into account". The amendment (9) of the Criminal Law promulgated in 2015 modifies it as the penalty standard of "summary amount circumstances", but it is still attached to the crime of corruption. From the legislative evolution of the standard of conviction and punishment for bribery in China, not only the amount of bribery is the necessary condition for punishment of bribery, but also depends on the crime of corruption. At the same time, it realizes the transformation from unitary standard to dualistic standard. There are many problems in the standard of conviction and punishment of bribery crime in our country. First of all, it is not only difficult to reflect the quality of bribery crime different from corruption crime, but also to highlight the role of circumstances in the punishment of bribery crime, and to correctly understand the social harmfulness of bribery crime by stipulating that bribery crime and corruption crime share the same standard of conviction and punishment. And can not fully reflect the principle of adaptation of crime and punishment, at the same time increased the difficulty of criminal investigation. Secondly, the standard of conviction and punishment based on amount can not only not fully reflect the harmful results of bribery, but also can not regulate the situation of non-property interests of bribery, and can not accurately grasp the relationship between the amount and other circumstances. Finally, limiting the standard of conviction and punishment of bribery to "amount circumstances" and attaching to the crime of corruption is not only unfavorable to the realization of the goal of criminal law and severe punishment of corruption. Moreover, it is unfavorable to the realization of penalty purpose and the exertion of penalty education function. At present, there are three theories on how to perfect the standard of conviction and punishment for the crime of accepting bribes: "the amount is equal to the circumstances", "taking the circumstances as the center", and "taking the amount as the center, giving consideration to other circumstances". The theory of "equal amount and circumstances" is more realistic, but it is not possible to include in the scope of the adjustment the acceptance or solicitation of non-property interests; the notion of "circumstance as the centre" is too radical to be desirable; and "the amount is the centre", Taking other circumstances into consideration is not only unfavorable to the renewal of criminal law legislation concept, but also to the reality of anti-corruption purpose. It is not difficult to find that the standard of conviction and punishment of bribery crime is not only independent from the crime of corruption, but also has diversity and strong comprehensiveness. Taking the standard of conviction and punishment for crime of accepting bribes as a reference, from the standpoint of our criminal policy of severely punishing the crime of accepting bribes, the criminal law of our country should expand the scope of the object of bribery and establish an independent standard of conviction and punishment and legal punishment. To perfect the dual flexible standard of conviction and punishment and adjust the amount of bribery.


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