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发布时间:2018-06-25 01:21

  本文选题:死刑 + 司法控制 ; 参考:《法学杂志》2017年03期

[Abstract]:The judicial control of the death penalty can not completely cater to the public opinion or wait for the self-reform of the public opinion, but should properly guide the public opinion on the basis of full respect and understanding of the public opinion. At present, the way of public opinion guidance in the judicial control of death penalty has produced the negative effect of "not killing and motivating killing", which comes from the following three reasons: wide, strict imbalance, light substantive standard, heavy discretionary plot, conflict between common sense and professional knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to change into a rational strategy of "not killing and killing", that is, to abandon the antagonistic thinking of the past and to convert it into consensual thinking, based on the understanding of the demands of public opinion for "killing." By means of the rigid standard of immediate execution of the death penalty established by "killing", the public opinion is persuaded to accept and approve the fact and idea of "not killing", and finally the virtuous circle of "not killing ends in killing" is formed. In order to realize this strategy, first, we should explore the applicable standards of the death penalty judicial limitation of violent crime; secondly, we should unify the criminal policy's judgment criterion of "killing" and "not killing"; third, we should perfect the choice and reasoning of guiding cases. Thus gradually realize the public recognition of the standard of application of death penalty, and limit and reduce the application of death penalty in judicial.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学法学院;
【基金】:吉林大学科学前沿与交叉学科创新项目“公众舆论与死刑的司法控制研究”(2016QY022);吉林大学法学院犯罪治理研究中心资助项目 国家社会科学重点项目“依法治国与以德治国的关系研究”(项目编号:14AZD135)的阶段性成果


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