[Abstract]:In recent years, the penalty of our country has been developing to the direction of lightening. In order to adapt to this development trend, the criminal law or judicial explanation provides for some economic crimes, and the crime of malicious overdraft credit card fraud is one of them. According to the relevant regulations, malicious overdraft refers to the behavior of the cardholder who, for the purpose of illegal possession, overdraws beyond the prescribed time limit or limits and is not returned after two calls from the issuing bank. Compared with other types of credit card fraud, malicious overdraft is a real credit card fraud, and its social harm is relatively small. In view of this, the law of our country set a higher starting point for malicious overdraft, and set up the crime conditions through judicial explanation, which is the conditional crime mechanism of malicious overdraft credit card fraud. The existence of this mechanism is of great significance, which is not only the embodiment of light punishment in our country, but also the protection of human rights by committing crimes against some perpetrators, saving judicial resources, and avoiding the perpetrators from affixing the label of crime. But the realization of these meanings is based on the application of conditional crime mechanism, otherwise it is empty talk. Through the empirical study of 337 judgments in Henan Province, it is found that the application effect of the malicious overdraft conditional crime mechanism is not ideal. None of the 337 cases has been acquitted, which indicates that it is difficult to judge the malicious overdraft. The existence of this phenomenon is unscientific and is caused by various reasons, both within the mechanism of malicious overdraft and outside the mechanism. The main reason within the mechanism is the strictness of the judicial interpretation to the time condition, the reason outside the mechanism is mainly due to the lack of the concept of the crime, the ambiguity of the article 13 "proviso" of the Criminal Law, The influence of the mode of investigative centralism makes the court unable to apply the proviso clause. In addition, the existence of this unscientific phenomenon can not only achieve its great significance, but also produce some immeasurable harm. The difficulty of malicious overdraft judgment not only infringes the legal status of criminal law, but also detracts from the benefit of criminal law. More importantly, it leads to the maladjustment of criminal law function and infringes on the human rights of the perpetrator. Therefore, in order to eliminate these hazards, it is necessary to reconstruct the conditional crime mechanism of malicious overdraft, including the reconstruction of substantive law and procedural law. In addition to changing the idea of "re-incriminating and decriminalizing", the substantive law should make clear that the proviso clause can be used as the basis for judgment, and the procedural law should perfect the mode of investigative centrism litigation. And to the public security bureau, procuratorate, court three organs specific crime path to be reconstructed. Therefore, this paper will use the method of empirical research, explain the malevolent overdraft sentence difficult to reflect, and analyze its causes and hazards, and finally to the malicious overdraft conditional crime mechanism reconstruction. Through the reconstruction of these measures, we hope to be able to help the malicious overdraft crime, can achieve the unity of reason and law, can promote the malicious overdraft legislation and judicial practice of continuous maturity and perfection.
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