发布时间:2018-10-05 13:39
【摘要】:我国现行《刑法》第20条共有3款内容,其中第1款的内容是关于正当防卫,,第3款的内容则是新增加的特殊防卫权。新刑法公布实施以来,我国刑法理论界和司法实务界便围绕着第1款和第3款的内容进行了深入的探讨和分析,尤其是针对新增加的特殊防卫前提条件以及正当防卫的时间条件和限度条件问题,更是争论的焦点。然而这些问题至今仍未形成定论,在司法实践中常引起分歧。司法实践中有大量的正当防卫案件都存在争议,这样不但造成司法实践中的同案不同判的现象,而且不利于维护法律的权威,还阻碍了法治进程。因此,研究正当防卫问题具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。 本文通过三个典型的真实案例分别对正当防卫司法认定过程中争议较大的三个问题进行了探讨。首先,是关于特殊防卫适用的前提条件。笔者通过具体案例,对其中分歧最大的“行凶”及“其他严重危及人身安全的暴力犯罪”进行了学理分析。在此基础上,解决案件中的争议问题。其中,笔者认为,刑法中的“行凶”标准应该是,严重的危及人的生命和健康安全,并且是以暴力形式实施的犯罪行为,无论行为人在行凶时是否使用了凶器。然后,本文又从一个案例出发,从该案所引出的理论争议点着手,重点从正当防卫的结束时间上,对本案进行分析。通过对学界的观点对比分析,笔者认为,应当将“危险排除说”作为认定正当防卫结束时间的标准。最后,笔者也是从一个真实的案例出发,对我国理论界存在的关于正当防卫防卫限度的相关学说进行学理分析,在此基础上给案件中的行为人的行为进行定性。
[Abstract]:There are three sections in Article 20 of the present Criminal Law of our country. The first paragraph is about self-defense, and the third paragraph is the newly added special defense right. Since the promulgation and implementation of the new criminal law, the theoretical and judicial circles of criminal law in China have carried out a thorough discussion and analysis on the contents of paragraphs 1 and 3. Especially, it is the focus of the debate about the new special defense precondition, the time condition and the limit condition of legitimate defense. However, these problems have not yet come to a conclusion, and often cause differences in judicial practice. In judicial practice, a large number of legitimate defense cases are controversial, which not only results in different judgments in judicial practice, but also is not conducive to maintaining the authority of the law, but also hinders the process of ruling by law. Therefore, the study of legitimate defense has important theoretical and practical significance. Through three typical real cases, this paper discusses three controversial issues in the course of judicial cognizance of justifiable defense. First of all, it is about the precondition of special defense application. Through specific cases, the author makes a theoretical analysis of the most divisive "murder" and "other violent crimes seriously endangering personal safety". On this basis, to resolve the dispute in the case. Among them, the author believes that the standard of "murder" in criminal law should be serious endangering human life and health and safety, and is a criminal act in the form of violence, no matter whether the perpetrator used the weapon or not. Then, this paper starts from a case, from the theoretical point of dispute arising from the case, focusing on the end of the time of self-defense, to analyze the case. Based on the comparative analysis of academic viewpoints, the author thinks that the theory of danger exclusion should be regarded as the criterion of determining the end time of legitimate defense. Finally, the author also proceeds from a real case, carries on the theoretical analysis to our country theory circle about the legitimate defense limit correlation theory, on this basis carries on the qualitative analysis to the behavior of the actor in the case.
[Abstract]:There are three sections in Article 20 of the present Criminal Law of our country. The first paragraph is about self-defense, and the third paragraph is the newly added special defense right. Since the promulgation and implementation of the new criminal law, the theoretical and judicial circles of criminal law in China have carried out a thorough discussion and analysis on the contents of paragraphs 1 and 3. Especially, it is the focus of the debate about the new special defense precondition, the time condition and the limit condition of legitimate defense. However, these problems have not yet come to a conclusion, and often cause differences in judicial practice. In judicial practice, a large number of legitimate defense cases are controversial, which not only results in different judgments in judicial practice, but also is not conducive to maintaining the authority of the law, but also hinders the process of ruling by law. Therefore, the study of legitimate defense has important theoretical and practical significance. Through three typical real cases, this paper discusses three controversial issues in the course of judicial cognizance of justifiable defense. First of all, it is about the precondition of special defense application. Through specific cases, the author makes a theoretical analysis of the most divisive "murder" and "other violent crimes seriously endangering personal safety". On this basis, to resolve the dispute in the case. Among them, the author believes that the standard of "murder" in criminal law should be serious endangering human life and health and safety, and is a criminal act in the form of violence, no matter whether the perpetrator used the weapon or not. Then, this paper starts from a case, from the theoretical point of dispute arising from the case, focusing on the end of the time of self-defense, to analyze the case. Based on the comparative analysis of academic viewpoints, the author thinks that the theory of danger exclusion should be regarded as the criterion of determining the end time of legitimate defense. Finally, the author also proceeds from a real case, carries on the theoretical analysis to our country theory circle about the legitimate defense limit correlation theory, on this basis carries on the qualitative analysis to the behavior of the actor in the case.
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