发布时间:2019-01-07 09:30
[Abstract]:The hometown of objective imputation theory is Hegel's philosophy thought. Through the introduction of Karl Larenz into the field of law, Hornig first put forward the concept of objective imputation. After the 1970s, he put forward the concept of objective imputation. The objective imputation proposed by Jacobs is the real theory of objective stratum imputation.
【作者单位】: 衢州职业技术学院;
[Abstract]:The hometown of objective imputation theory is Hegel's philosophy thought. Through the introduction of Karl Larenz into the field of law, Hornig first put forward the concept of objective imputation. After the 1970s, he put forward the concept of objective imputation. The objective imputation proposed by Jacobs is the real theory of objective stratum imputation.
【作者单位】: 衢州职业技术学院;
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