[Abstract]:According to the expression of the law, the judicial order and the legitimate rights and interests of others are the selective protection benefits of the crime of false litigation; for the judicial order, the crime of false litigation is an act crime; for the legitimate rights and interests of others, the crime of false litigation is a consequential crime. " To bring a civil action on the basis of fabricated facts "is the practice of the crime of false litigation, in which the civil action refers to all the proceedings applicable to the civil procedure, including the initiation of criminal incidental civil action and the filing of counterclaim;" If a person applies for arbitration on the basis of fabricated facts, the crime shall not be established; "fabricated facts" are brought in civil proceedings, including the perpetrator's own fabrication of facts and the use of fabricated facts by others to bring proceedings before a court, but both require that "fabricated facts" be sufficient to influence a fair decision. As the crime of false action, the false lawsuit brought by the actor is accepted by the court as the standard of accomplishment. The crime of false litigation committed as a result is regarded as the standard of accomplishment by seriously violating the legitimate rights and interests of others, in which the lawful rights and interests are not limited to property rights and interests. The provisions of section 307 bis, paragraph 4, of the Criminal Law belong to the provisions of attention, therefore, Anyone may establish an accomplice in the crime of false litigation; The act of filing false civil action may set up the abettor of the crime of bending the law. Those who simultaneously commit the crime of fraud, corruption, duty embezzlement or civil criminal judgment of perversion of the law shall be punished for a felony.
【作者单位】: 清华大学法学院;
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