发布时间:2018-02-14 22:27
本文关键词: 知情权 政府信息公开 知情权的救济 出处:《中共中央党校》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在建设法治国家的背景下,建设法治政府是第一步。控制政府权力,,保障公民权利,已经成为共识。如何在政府信息公开这一现实背景下,实现公民知情权,是我们法学研究中不能回避的课题。学界对知情权基本理论的研究已经相当成熟,但是对知情权受到侵犯后如何救济的理论研究尚少。本文在学界现有研究基础上对知情权救济理论作进一步的分析。 本文采用以下研究方法。(一)概念分析法。对“知情权”、“知情权的救济”的概念进行梳理和界定。(二)价值分析法。对知情权救济的正当性和必要性进行价值上的逻辑推演,厘清知情权救济的依据。(三)比较分析法。对大陆法系和英美法系代表国家——日本和美国的知情权救济的方法进行分析,以期对我国的知情权救济方法进行有益的启发。(四)实证分析法。分析宪法规范、立法规范、行政法和程序法规范及现实案例,分析、论证知情权救济理论和实践。 本文主要对以下几个方面进行论述。文章首先论述知情权和知情权救济的概念,主要是对相关的概念进行界定,说明知情权是什么,知情权救济是什么。其次论述知情权救济的依据。主要论证对知情权进行救济的依据何在,在法学理论上有什么深刻的基础,以及在社会现实中有何对其进行救济的必要性。再次,论述知情权救济的实现。这是论文的核心部分,着眼于为什么知情权实现困难,以及怎样实现知情权。最后,针对我国知情权救济的现状,提出相应的建议。 知情权的救济是一个非常大的课题,本文仅是从法学理论的角度分析了目前知情权救济的理论难点,即知情权和其他权利的边界不清楚以及政府信息公开制度的方法论体系不完备;进而提出了知情权边界的原则以及实施政府信息公开制度公开推定的方法。这也是本文的创新点。
[Abstract]:In the context of building a country ruled by law, building a government ruled by law is the first step. It has become a consensus to control the power of the government and protect the rights of citizens. It is an unavoidable subject in our legal research. The academic research on the basic theory of the right to know has been quite mature. However, there is little theoretical research on how to remedy the right to know after it has been violated. This paper makes a further analysis of the relief theory of the right to know on the basis of the existing academic research. This article uses the following research method. (1) Conceptual analysis method. The concept of "right to know" and "relief of right to know" is sorted out and defined. (2) value analysis method is used to analyze the validity and necessity of relief of right to know. To clarify the basis of relief of the right to know. (3) Comparative analysis. This paper analyzes the methods of relief of the right to know of the representative countries of the civil law system and the common law system-Japan and the United States. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the constitutional norms, legislative norms, administrative and procedural norms and practical cases, and to demonstrate the theory and practice of relief of the right to know. This paper mainly discusses the following aspects. Firstly, the paper discusses the concepts of the right to know and the right to know, mainly defines the related concepts, and explains what the right to know is. What is the relief of the right to know? secondly, it discusses the basis of the relief of the right to know. Third, the realization of the right to know relief. This is the core part of the paper, focusing on why the realization of the right to know is difficult, and how to realize the right to know. Finally, According to the current situation of relief of right to know in our country, the corresponding suggestions are put forward. The relief of the right to know is a very big subject. This paper only analyzes the theoretical difficulties of the relief of the right to know from the angle of the legal theory. That is, the boundaries of the right to know and other rights are not clear, and the methodological system of the system of government information disclosure is not complete; Then it puts forward the principle of the boundary of the right to know and the method of public presumption of government information disclosure system, which is also the innovation of this paper.
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