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发布时间:2018-03-20 21:13

  本文选题:信息公开 切入点:特殊需要 出处:《公法研究》2015年01期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:In practice, the "special needs" clause of the "Government Information Disclosure regulations" is often used by the administrative authorities as a reason not to be made public. This makes the legislative purpose of information disclosure meaningless. Nor can we guarantee citizens' right to know. The interpretation and application of "special needs" should be based on the legislative concept of information disclosure as the principle-to maximize the protection of openness, for production and life, The interpretation of "special needs", such as scientific research, should be relaxed. In the course of applying section 13th of the regulations on the publicity of Government Information, the court should not regard "special needs" as the qualification requirements of the plaintiff. It should be regarded as a limited review. When it cannot be resolved within the existing legal framework, it can introduce the method of case guidance and take the bulletin case as an opportunity to gradually change ideas and ideas. In the first part of this paper, the author makes a theoretical analysis of "special needs". The first part discusses "special needs" from the normative level, and uses the means of textual interpretation, system interpretation and purpose interpretation. This paper analyzes the meaning of "special needs", its application and the forms of expression in other legal provisions. The second part summarizes the current research situation of special needs related problems in the theoretical circle. It is revealed that the interpretation and orientation of "special needs" and its terms have not formed a unified opinion in the theoretical circle. The second part is to change the angle of view and start with typical cases. First of all, by analyzing the decision logic of the relevant cases before the case, the author points out that the local courts have not unified the treatment of "special needs". We need an authoritative body to give us a guiding opinion. Then, we comb the thinking of the decision in the China Environmental Protection Federation case, and summarize the Supreme Court's "official" and more instructive interpretation of "special needs." finally, According to several cases that appeared after the EPF case, this paper analyzes two problems that have not been solved in the EPF case: the direction and the degree of examination of special needs. The third part is mainly concerned with two problems related to "special needs". The first is rethinking caused by the Environmental Protection Federation case, exploring the non-necessity of special needs from the angle of environmental information disclosure. It provides two ways to solve the problems related to "special needs" in the future. 4th is the conclusion. The main point is the collation and summary of the full text of the argument.


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