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发布时间:2018-04-26 03:30

  本文选题:人身权 + 精神障碍 ; 参考:《贵州社会科学》2015年08期

[Abstract]:The compulsory medical system of mental disorder involves the limitation of citizen's right of personal freedom and the basic human rights such as the citizen's right to life and the right to health. Therefore, it needs to be combed from the perspective of constitutional law guaranteeing human rights. The basic connotation and legal nature of the compulsory medical system of mental obstacle should be determined to protect the mental disability. There are still many problems in the compulsory medical system of mental obstacle in our country. The Constitutional Analysis of the system is made by the constitution of the basic human rights protection theory in the field of constitutional science and the constitutional basis of the limitation of basic rights under the view of the constitution, and the essence of the system is analyzed and the essence of our country is fine. The protection of personal rights under the compulsory medical system under mental disorders is of great significance and can provide a path for the continuous improvement of the system.

【作者单位】: 山东大学;


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