本文选题:人体器官移植 + 知情同意权 ; 参考:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:在人体器官移植领域,公民的自主权体现为器官捐献人和接受人的知情同意权。知情同意权的形成最早源于其深厚的医学伦理学基础。生命伦理学家将知情同意概括论述为“自主个人的自主行动”,明确强调知情同意的目的就是尊重人的自主性。1947年《纽伦堡法典》的问世将知情同意推向了医学伦理原则的核心位置。1981年的《里斯本宣言》进一步强调了自主决定权是患者享有的法定权利,开启了“知情同意”从医学伦理原则过渡为法律权利的新时代。目前,各国人体器官移植立法以及世界卫生组织的《人体细胞、组织和器官移植指导原则》等均规定器官捐献人和器官接受人享有知情同意权。我国《人体器官移植条例》规定的“人体器官捐献应当遵循‘自愿无偿原则’”既不适用于器官接受人,又不同于“知情同意权”。鉴于“知情同意权”是启动人体器官摘取和移植的先决条件,系统研究人体器官捐献人和接受人“知情同意权”及其行使,对于完善我国人体器官移植立法和知情同意立法均有重要的理论意义和应用价值。 论文以人体器官移植领域的“知情同意权”作为视角,,具体研究了活体器官捐献人、尸体器官捐献人和器官移植接受人行使“知情同意权”的异同。其次,论文系统研究了人体器官移植接受人的“知情同意权”,克服了相关学者在讨论人体器官移植“知情同意权”时重讨论捐献人的“知情同意权”,轻研究接受人的“知情同意权”的不合理的现象。最后,论文提出诸多完善我国人体器官移植立法建议:明确规定人体器官移植接受人的“知情同意权”;将“opt-out”模式作为公民捐献器官模式,提高我国人体器官捐献率;扩大活体器官捐献人范围,允许“交叉移植”;明确规定医疗机构及其医务人员侵犯器官捐献人和接受人的“知情同意权”的行为;主管人体器官移植工作的国家卫计委应当尽快规范现行的人体器官移植“知情同意书”范本。
[Abstract]:In the field of human organ transplantation, the autonomy of the citizen is embodied in the right to informed consent of the donor and the recipient. The formation of the right to informed consent originates from its deep foundation of medical ethics. Life ethicists generally discuss the informed consent as "independent action", and clearly emphasize the purpose of respecting informed consent. The "Nuremberg code" of human autonomy, "the Nuremberg code", pushed the informed consent to the core position of medical ethics principles in.1981, which further emphasized that the independent decision was the legal right of the patient and opened the new era of "informed consent" from the principle of medical ethics to the legal rights. Organ transplantation legislation and the WHO "human cells, tissue and organ transplant guiding principles" all provide the organ donors and organ recipients to enjoy the right to informed consent. In view of the "right to informed consent", in view of the "right to informed consent" is a prerequisite for starting the extraction and transplantation of human organs, systematic research on the "right to informed consent" of human organ donors and recipients and their exercise are of great theoretical and practical value for improving the legislation of human organ transplantation and the legislation of informed consent in China.
This paper, based on the "right to informed consent" in the field of human organ transplantation, studies the similarities and differences between living organ donors, corpse donors and organ transplant recipients to exercise "the right to informed consent". Secondly, the thesis systematically studies the "right to informed consent" of the recipient of human organ transplantation, overcoming the discussion of the relevant scholars. The "right to informed consent" of human organ transplantation is to discuss the "right of informed consent" of the donor and to study the unreasonable phenomenon of the "right to know and consent" of the recipient. Finally, the paper puts forward a number of legislative proposals to improve the human organ transplantation in China: clearly stipulate the "right to know and agree" by the recipient of human organ transplantation; "opt-out As a citizen donor organ model, the model improves the rate of human organ donation in China, enlarges the scope of the donor of the living organs, allows the "cross transplant", and clearly stipulates the behavior of the medical institutions and their medical personnel to infringe on the "right to know and agree" by the donors and recipients of the organs. The "informed consent" template of human organ transplantation should be standardized as soon as possible.
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