本文选题:劳动关系 + 劳动争议 ; 参考:《辽宁师范大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Labor relationship is one of the most basic and important social and economic relations and legal relations under the condition of market economy, which plays an important role in the national economic development and social stability. In recent years, with the deepening of China's market economy reform and the constant adjustment of industrial structure and management mode, the economic relations are becoming more and more complicated. In the aspect of labor relations, the number of labor disputes increases year by year and the complexity increases continuously. Labor dispute arbitration and litigation system, as a key part of labor dispute handling system in China, has been shouldering the important task of procedural handling and normative settlement of most labor dispute cases. At present, due to the penetration and implementation of the thought of rule of law in our country's administration and social management, more and more attention has been paid to the judicial solution or judicial arrangement of labor disputes. However, the current labor dispute arbitration and litigation system gradually exposed some obvious internal or external problems, which can not meet the objective development needs of labor disputes in the new period. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the existing problems in the field of research and put forward suggestions for improvement. This paper attempts to analyze the present situation and nature of labor dispute arbitration and litigation system in our country from the perspectives of management, law and economics, with the aim of dealing with labor disputes as the goal. And its interaction with other labor dispute handling systems to analyze and evaluate the fairness and efficiency, and at the same time to analyze and learn from the relevant system selection and arrangement of other countries. In order to solve the problem of labor dispute arbitration and litigation system reform in China, this paper puts forward constructive suggestions in stages.
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