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发布时间:2018-05-20 13:12

  本文选题:担保性质行政法 + 行政法理论基础 ; 参考:《北方法学》2015年01期

[Abstract]:As a guarantee nature of administrative law, it is a methodology to consider administrative law in the whole legal system, at the same time, it is a response, reflection and reconstruction to the theoretical basis of administrative law. The administrative law provides the guarantee for the realization of the legitimate rights and interests between the subjects of private rights, that is, the realization of the content of the civil law contract. The government has the ability to guarantee the civil contract or civil activity by the administrative law. The essence of the administrative liability is a kind of guarantee responsibility. The establishment of the concept of equality, the perfection of the principle of good faith, the perfection of the open system of administrative information, the development of the non-compulsory administrative behavior and the transformation of the public financial system are all beneficial to the establishment of the concept and the realization of the system construction of the administrative law of the nature of guarantee. The innovation of the administrative law of guarantee nature lies in: the freedom of private right and the limitation of administrative power, the coexistence of the two sides' will and unilateral will, and the reorientation of the relationship between administrative power and private right. Pointing out the path of the formal rule of law to the substantive rule of law. The most important relationship between administrative law and civil law as methodology is that the administrative law and civil law are put into the same structure in the unified legal relationship, which makes the two sides have a mechanism of direct dialogue.
【作者单位】: 辽宁大学法学院;
【基金】:辽宁省社科基金项目“城市行政执法中法律问题对策研究”(项目编号L13AFX002) 辽宁省教育科学规划课题“高校安全法律体系研究”(项目编号JGZXAN1317)的研究成果


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