本文选题:猪肉质量安全 + 市场监管 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:食品是人类赖以生存和发展的重要物质基础,但近年来,当“三聚氰胺毒奶粉”、“瘦肉精猪肉”、“苏丹红红心鸡蛋”等标题赫然出现在媒体上时,问题食品已成为社会公众广泛关注的热点和焦点。而猪肉作为餐桌上的主要食品,其市场监管工作的优劣,影响到人民群众的生命健康安全,并对经济的持续发展及社会的稳定产生深远的影响。 广州市对猪肉的质量安全问题十分重视,,多年来不断加大了对猪肉质量安全监管的力度和投入,出台相应的管理措施及管理办法,不断加强猪肉等食品的市场监管,使猪肉质量安全水平有了较大的提高。然而,在猪肉市场监管的环节,尤其是在猪肉市场监管执法的领域中,仍存在一些问题。因此,研究如何加强广州市猪肉市场监管执法工作,保障猪肉的质量安全,具有较强的现实意义。 本文以广州市猪肉市场监管执法作为研究对象,首先从猪肉市场监管执法的理论来分析,建立理论分析框架;第二是对广州市猪肉市场监管的执法现状分析;第三是广州市猪肉市场监管执法的案例及分析;第四是国内外畜产品市场监管执法的经验借鉴;第五是尝试提出完善广州市猪肉市场监管执法工作的对策建议:一是完善法律法规,依法推动猪肉市场监管执法工作;二是构建新型的猪肉市场监管执法体制,提高执法效能;三是改革现有猪肉的屠宰流通管理制度,提高执法效率;四是统一广州市猪肉市场监管执法处罚标准,加大处罚力度;五是提升整合执法力量,全面加强猪肉市场监管联合执法力度;六是以宣传教育为着力点,营造高压严管的市场监管执法工作氛围。
[Abstract]:Food is an important material basis for human survival and development. However, in recent years, when the titles "melamine milk powder", "lean pork", "red heart eggs" and so on appear in the media, Problem food has become the focus of public attention. As the main food on the table, pork's market supervision affects the people's life, health and safety, and has a profound influence on the sustainable development of economy and the stability of society. Guangzhou attaches great importance to the problem of pork quality and safety. Over the years, it has continuously increased the intensity and investment of pork quality and safety supervision, introduced corresponding management measures and management measures, and continuously strengthened the market supervision of pork and other food products. The pork quality and safety level has been greatly improved. However, there are still some problems in the regulation of pork market, especially in the field of pork market supervision and enforcement. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study how to strengthen the supervision and enforcement of pork market in Guangzhou to ensure the quality and safety of pork. In this paper, Guangzhou pork market law enforcement as a research object, first from the pork market supervision and enforcement theory to analyze, establish a theoretical analysis framework; second, Guangzhou pork market supervision law enforcement status analysis; The third is the case and analysis of Guangzhou pork market supervision and law enforcement, the fourth is the experience of domestic and foreign animal products market supervision and enforcement. The fifth is to try to improve Guangzhou pork market supervision and law enforcement measures: first, improve laws and regulations, promote pork market supervision and law enforcement according to law; second, build a new pork market supervision and law enforcement system, improve the effectiveness of law enforcement; Third, to reform the existing pork slaughtering and circulation management system to improve the efficiency of law enforcement; fourth, to unify the standards of law enforcement and punishment in Guangzhou pork market; and fifth, to promote the integration of law enforcement forces. Strengthen the pork market supervision and law enforcement; sixthly, take propaganda and education as the focus to create a high-pressure and strict market supervision and law enforcement atmosphere.
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