本文选题:行政约谈 + 柔性执法 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, administrative interview, a flexible administrative law enforcement method with Chinese characteristics, has achieved remarkable results in the practice of administrative law enforcement. This kind of reform of the administrative organs usually to the relative "face" cold and hard administrative law enforcement, sweep the path to take "smile face" to meet the interactive interview behavior, has become a characteristic way to build a service-oriented government in our country. As one of the means of administration, administrative interview has made great achievements in such administrative fields as tax collection, industrial and commercial administration, food safety, environmental protection and so on. However, since the definition and application of administrative interview itself is still in the state of "sub-health" of law, the lack of normative characterization of the legal attribute of the interview, and the fact that it is known for its flexibility, has led to the misplacement of the interview in the process of administrative law enforcement. The improper situation of interviewing offside occurs from time to time, forcing the standardization process of administrative interview, gradually showing when to start the administrative interview and the implementation of the administrative interview. How to remedy the improper infringement of the rights of the person interviewed by the administrative interview should be solved urgently. This paper intends to divide the phrase "standardization of administrative interview" into two parts: the theoretical discussion of "administrative interview" and the study of "standardization" through the two major directions of theoretical analysis and institutional analysis. At the level of academic analysis, starting with the source of administrative interview system, it analyzes the rise of administrative interview in the field of tax audit and the development of other fields, analyzes its inherent theoretical basis, and clarifies the qualitative issues of administrative interview. The concrete standard is provided for dealing with the concrete problems in the practice of interview, so as to avoid falling into the clich 茅 of legislative reform and to deal with the concrete problems in the practice of interview. In particular, the paper analyzes the disadvantages of the formal qualitative analysis method based on the theory of administrative behavior, and puts forward the beneficial exploration of the qualitative administrative interview with the theory of administrative process. It is defined as the stage of investigation before administrative acts, such as administrative facts that do not involve subsequent treatment, and may involve subsequent orders for correction, administrative penalties, administrative coercion, and so on, and the relationship between the government and the market is re-examined, and the relationship between the government and the market is re-examined. This paper puts forward that the nature of administrative interview should be understood from the point of view of "specific administrative objective", that is, administrative interview is essentially a positive means for the government to intervene in the execution of the interview when the market is out of order. On this basis, it is further optimized and regulated. At the level of standardized analysis, the author summarizes two kinds of cases of improper interview in practice, synthetically analyzes who formulates the existing normative text of administrative interview, what are the matters of interview, and who carries out the interview. According to the general situation of what procedure and how to carry out supervision and security, it is pointed out that there is a certain imbalance in interview practice and norm, which needs to be standardized. Therefore, this paper not only pays attention to the relationship between the government and the market, but also puts forward some reasonable suggestions on the administrative interview from the aspects of changing the legislative state gradually, attaching importance to the procedural control, perfecting the supervision, security and relief mechanism, combining with the existing administrative law theory system. In order to provide a more scientific and reasonable theoretical platform for the standardization process of administrative interviews.
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