本文选题:政府信息公开 + 保守国家秘密 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:在政府信息公开制度中,规定了豁免公开的政府信息,包括涉及国家秘密的政府信息。排除涉密信息的公开是为了保护国家安全,但是,由于现阶段法律不完善、制度不健全,国家秘密往往成为政府部门逃避信息公开的借口,政府信息公开与保守国家秘密的关系失去平衡。如何平衡两者的关系?笔者在本文中,对平衡政府信息公开与保守国家秘密进行了理论分析,探讨知情权与国家安全、政府信息公开与保守国家秘密的关系,梳理我国现有的法律规范,指明我国现阶段政府信息公开与保守国家秘密法律制度中存在的问题,并提出规制这些问题的对策。 本文共分四章。第一章是对政府信息公开与保守国家秘密的概述。第一部分描述了政府信息公开与保守国家秘密的立法发展;第二部分探讨了知情权与国家安全、政府信息公开与保守国家秘密的关系;第三部分是平衡二者的理论分析,并引入平衡论的概念。 第二章描述了我国政府信息公开与保守国家秘密的立法现状。第一部分对我国现有的法律规范进行了梳理;第二部分对相关概念进行界定,包括国家秘密、政府信息、以及档案这一特殊的政府信息。 第三章第一部分分析了我国政府信息公开与保守国家秘密法律制度中存在的问题,包括法律规范间存在冲突、法律位阶不对等、国家秘密范围过大、定密主体自由裁量权过大、缺乏监督救济制度;第二部分描述了国外政府信息公开与保守国家秘密的立法概况,选取了美国和日本这两个典型国家作为分析对象,并与我国的法律制度进行比较,提出怎样借鉴国外立法经验完善我国的法律制度。 第四章提出规制我国政府信息公开与保守国家秘密的问题的对策。第一部分提出制定《政府信息公开法》,这是由于我国《政府信息公开条例》的法律位阶较低,存在立法的必要性,同时提出立法原则,包括以公开为原则,不公开为例外、可分割性原则、行政合法原则以及合理性原则;第二部分提出建立国家秘密司法审查制度,通过对“俄罗斯模式”和“美国模式”的分析,认为“美国模式”更适合我国,我国可以借鉴美国,建立这一发挥法院司法能动性的制度;第三部分提出修改保密范围,原因是我国国家秘密的范围太广,且规定得很笼统,因此必须明确一个清晰、具体的保密范围,这也是平衡政府信息公开与保守国家秘密的最关键的要素;第四部分提出完善解密制度,包括强化政府部门信息公开的意识、制定科学、严密的解密标准等;第五部分提出完善救济制度,包括在《保密法》中规定公民的救济途径、在行政复议中引入独立的审查机构、在行政诉讼中法院进行实质审查而非形式审查。
[Abstract]:In the system of government information disclosure, government information, including government information involving state secrets, is exempted from disclosure. The purpose of excluding disclosure of confidential information is to protect national security. However, due to the imperfect laws and systems at the present stage, state secrets often become an excuse for government departments to evade the disclosure of information. The relationship between open government information and keeping state secrets is out of balance. How to balance the two? In this paper, the author makes a theoretical analysis of the balance between government information disclosure and state secrets, discusses the relationship between the right to know and national security, government information disclosure and keeping state secrets, and combs the existing legal norms of our country. This paper points out the problems existing in the legal system of public government information and keeping state secrets in our country at present, and puts forward the countermeasures to regulate these problems. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is an overview of the disclosure of government information and the preservation of state secrets. The first part describes the legislative development of government information disclosure and state secrets; the second part discusses the relationship between the right to know and national security, the relationship between government information disclosure and keeping state secrets; the third part is the theoretical analysis of balancing the two. The second chapter describes the current legislative situation of government information disclosure and state secrets in China. The first part combs the existing legal norms of our country; the second part defines the relevant concepts, including state secrets, government information, The third chapter analyzes the problems existing in the legal system of government information disclosure and state secrets protection in China, including the conflict between legal norms and laws, and the unequal legal rank. The scope of state secrets is too large, the discretion of the subject is too large, and the system of supervision and relief is lacking. The second part describes the general situation of the legislation on the disclosure of foreign government information and the protection of state secrets. The two typical countries, the United States and Japan, are selected as the objects of analysis, and compared with the legal system of our country. The fourth chapter puts forward the countermeasures of regulating the disclosure of government information and keeping state secrets. The first part puts forward the enactment of the Law on the publicity of Government Information, which is due to the low legal rank of the regulations on the publicity of Government Information and the necessity of legislating. At the same time, it puts forward the principle of legislation, including the principle of openness, with the exception of non-disclosure. The second part puts forward the establishment of the judicial review system of state secrets. Through the analysis of "Russian model" and "American model", the author thinks that the "American model" is more suitable for our country. China can learn from the United States to establish this system of giving full play to the judicial initiative of the court. The third part proposes to amend the scope of secrecy because the scope of our state secrets is too broad and the provisions are very general, so we must make a clear and clear statement. The scope of secrecy is also the key factor to balance the government information disclosure with the state secret. The fourth part proposes to perfect the decryption system, including strengthening the awareness of government information disclosure, formulating scientific, strict decryption standards, and so on. The fifth part puts forward to perfect the relief system, including prescribing the citizen's remedy way in the Secrets Law, introducing the independent examination organization in the administrative reconsideration, and carrying on the substantive examination rather than the form examination in the court in the administrative lawsuit.
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