[Abstract]:In recent years, many food safety problems have occurred in China, which not only damage the health of consumers, but also affect the stability of the country. Arousing worldwide attention. There are many reasons for food insecurity, such as pesticide pollution, inadequate market supervision, manufacturers not operating according to rules and regulations, etc. However, the author believes that the fundamental causes are the imperfect information disclosure system of food safety supervision, suppliers, etc. There is no effective communication between retailers, consumers, and governments. The disclosure of food safety supervision information should be one of the main links in the food safety supervision system. However, the existing supervision and management mode in our country has precisely ignored this point, which has led to the distrust of the government by the public. In turn, it affects the ability of food safety supervision. In the discussion, the author used the literature analysis method, the case analysis method and the comparative analysis method. First of all, on the basis of collecting and sorting out the previous research results, this paper expounds the concept and theoretical basis of the food safety regulatory information disclosure system, which lays a theoretical foundation for the following. Secondly, this paper analyzes the general situation of the legislation of the food safety supervision information disclosure system, and finds out the existing problems of the system, that is, the main body of the food safety supervision information disclosure is not clear, the scope of disclosure is narrow, and the way of disclosure is not perfect. The supervision system of information disclosure is not perfect and the relief measures of information disclosure are missing. In this stage, the author analyzes a recent case of inadequate food safety supervision, so that we can deeply understand the harm of food safety and the importance of improving its system. Then it analyzes and studies the open system of food safety supervision information in the United States and Japan, and finds out some references for our country. Finally, the author puts forward the corresponding suggestions and countermeasures to the open system of food safety supervision information in China: clarifying the subject of food safety supervision information publicity, expanding the scope of supervision information publicity, enriching the ways of information disclosure. The purpose of this paper is to provide a theoretical reference for the improvement of the relevant legislation of our country by constructing the public supervision system of food safety supervision information and the relief measures to perfect the system. From a new angle of view, this paper takes food safety supervision as the premise to further analyze the problems in the information disclosure system and find out the countermeasures. Food safety is related to the safety of people's lives and the stable development of the country. The legal operation of information disclosure can not only supervise and supervise the inspection department according to law, but also guide consumers to consume correctly. Therefore, attention should be paid to the disclosure of food safety regulatory information.
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