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发布时间:2018-08-27 13:19
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening-up, China's economy and society have developed rapidly, and the pace of urbanization has also been accelerated rapidly. Due to the change of the nature of land use, the distribution of land development gains caused by the improvement of land use has become increasingly prominent. However, in reality, there have been specific practices in which rural collectives compete with the state for land development gains. It is also the lack of the system that has led to a series of disputes over land expropriation. Under the background of the new urbanization and the realization of a well-off society in an all-round way, this paper puts forward new requirements for the ability of national governance. By means of comparative analysis, historical analysis, case analysis and normative analysis, this paper discusses the origin of the concept of land development right, the disputes about the ownership of land development right in academia, and rural land. This paper discusses the certification of collective ownership of land development right and the institutional measures of collective ownership, and discusses the necessity and feasibility of setting up land development right. Because the research on the system of land development right in our country started late, there is no unified concept of land development right at present. In the first part, by comparing the concept of the right to land development with other related concepts of land rights, I sort out the historical context of the right to land development, enumerate the system model of the right to land development worldwide, and define the concept of the right to land development. As a result, the value of the land has increased several times or even tens of times. There are two different opinions on the ownership of this part of the gains: state-owned theory and collective theory. Whether the legal status of the two major components of the socialist public ownership stipulated in the Constitution of our country is equal, that is, the ownership of the whole people and the collective ownership of the working people, and whether the land ownership stipulated in the Constitution can be understood as all in the sense of civil law. On the one hand, the phenomenon of "small property right houses" has been prohibited repeatedly in recent years. The reason is that peasants have unconsciously and unconsciously generated the desire to pursue land development gains, so relying on traditional means has been unable to solve the problem of "small property right houses"; on the other hand, there is already the movement of land development rights in local areas of China. It can be seen that it is necessary and feasible to set up the land development right system in China. The realization of the rural collective land development right in China should be based on the combination of the transfer system of land development right and the trust system of land development right. On the premise of clarifying the relationship between the "collective" and the "peasant", it should be divided reasonably. Allocation of land development benefits to achieve a fair share of land development benefits.


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