[Abstract]:Environmental administrative contract is the development of the traditional theory of administrative law. But with the development of the times and the progress of society, the traditional management methods have not kept up with the pace of the times and need innovation.
At present, academic theorists have not done much research on the system of environmental administrative contract. On the basis of discussing the basic theoretical issues such as the concept and characteristics of environmental administrative contract, the author analyzes the implementation of environmental administrative contract in China, and puts forward the author's immature views on this basis.
The purpose is to have a basic understanding of the environmental administrative contract and lay a theoretical foundation for the following. Secondly, the present situation and existing problems of the environmental administrative contract in our country are discussed. And the problems in practice: lack of theoretical research; lack of corresponding legal protection; some problems in the actual operation. the purpose is to provide a basis for improving the environmental administrative contract system in our country through the analysis of the current situation and existing problems of environmental administrative contract. finally, the environmental administrative contract system in our country Suggestions for improvement include strengthening theoretical research, defining the scope of environmental administrative contract, formulating relevant laws and regulations on environmental administrative contract, stipulating the procedures for conclusion, strengthening public supervision and improving the relief ways of environmental administrative contract in China.
Environmental administrative contract is not a new thing in our country for a long time. The problems that can not be effectively solved in practice are mostly caused by incomplete theory. This paper hopes that the study of environmental administrative contract system can provide help to our country's actual environmental problems.
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