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发布时间:2018-11-07 08:57
[Abstract]:With the development of our economy, the labor system is innovating, and the employment environment is becoming very complex. These objective reasons directly cause the employees to bear great pressure, the contradiction between labor and management is deepening, and the labor dispute is increasing rapidly. The number of labor dispute cases is increasing year by year, and the pressure on arbitrators to hear labor and personnel disputes is also increasing. In the course of handling a case, arbitrators should pay attention to not only the direct function of fair and efficient adjudication, but also the factors such as resolving disputes and maintaining the stability of social employment environment. However, there are still some problems, such as serious overappeal and high appeal rate. Social workers can solve these problems better by using professional services of social work. Social workers can play a number of roles in labor and personnel dispute arbitration institutions. They are the facilitators of arbitration institutions. It is also the coordinator of arbitration parties, the consultation provider of labor and management, and the advocate of maintaining the stability of social employment environment. The bold attempt to introduce social work service into labor and personnel dispute arbitration was conceived. In order to explore the ways of introducing social work service into labor and personnel dispute arbitration, I conducted a field study in Dalian Jinpu New District Labor and personnel dispute Institute. Through literature analysis, case interview and case analysis, The participatory observation method has carried on a series of analysis. The existing obstacles and solutions of labor and personnel dispute arbitration institutions in China are understood, and the effect of the resolution is evaluated. The role orientation and function of social workers in labor and personnel dispute arbitration institutions are analyzed. Then the paper conceives the process of social work intervening in labor and personnel dispute arbitration affairs, and finds that the process of arbitration hearing and the basic process of social work can be connected closely, which can greatly improve the efficiency and quality of arbitration cases. Finally, this idea is fully demonstrated through the analysis of practical cases. At present, our country's social work is in its infancy. If we want to truly combine the advanced concept of social work with reality and produce positive effects, we still need the acceptance of the government, enterprises and workers. Only with cooperation, the advantages of introducing social work into labor and personnel dispute arbitration can be demonstrated, and finally the labor arbitration institutions and social work institutions can be promoted to develop together.


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