发布时间:2019-01-08 11:30
【摘要】:政府信息公开作为现代社会一种民主制度,一种行政行为与行政文化,社会公众的一种生活方式,现在越来越受到公众的重视。2007年4月24日,国务院制定并颁发了《政府信息公开条例》,并于2008年5月1日正式实施。它的颁发与实施标志着我国民主建设的重大的进步,是我国政府信息公开制度发展的一个重要的里程碑。但是对于一个建立不久的制度而言,总会有一些问题。我国政府信息管理的现实状况、公众的信息能力、社会文化传统等等因素都显性或者隐性地制约着政府信息公开,即使在一些北京、上海、广州等发达地区的行政实践活动中。本文主要是通过阅读文献,收集材料的方式,采用分析比较对政府信息公开制度进行研究,以期对该制度的理论层面和实践层面的相关问题进行深入探讨。 本文共分为四个部分。第一部分是政府信息公开相关概念的概述和政府信息公开的意义。第二部分概述了中国政府信息公开的发展过程,通过具体的实践报告来分析中国政府信息公开工作的特点。第三部分是从多个角度方面分析我国信息工作出现的问题,以及问题的原因。第四部分主要是从法律制度、保障制度、思想观念等方面提出对我国政府信息公开制度的完善对策。
[Abstract]:As a democratic system, a kind of administrative behavior and culture, and a way of life of the public in modern society, the publicity of government information has been paid more and more attention by the public. The State Council formulated and issued the regulations on the publicity of Government Information, which came into effect on May 1, 2008. It is an important milestone in the development of government information disclosure system. But for a newly established system, there are always some problems. The reality of government information management, the information ability of the public, the social cultural tradition and other factors all restrict the disclosure of government information explicitly or implicitly, even in the administrative practice activities in some developed areas such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and so on. This article mainly through the reading literature, the collection material way, uses the analysis comparison to carry on the research to the government information disclosure system, in order to carry on the thorough discussion to this system theory stratification level and the practice level correlation question. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part is an overview of the related concepts of government information disclosure and the significance of government information disclosure. The second part summarizes the development process of Chinese government information disclosure and analyzes the characteristics of Chinese government information disclosure through concrete practice reports. The third part analyzes the problems and causes of information work in China from many angles. The fourth part is mainly from the legal system, security system, ideas and other aspects to improve the system of government information disclosure countermeasures.
[Abstract]:As a democratic system, a kind of administrative behavior and culture, and a way of life of the public in modern society, the publicity of government information has been paid more and more attention by the public. The State Council formulated and issued the regulations on the publicity of Government Information, which came into effect on May 1, 2008. It is an important milestone in the development of government information disclosure system. But for a newly established system, there are always some problems. The reality of government information management, the information ability of the public, the social cultural tradition and other factors all restrict the disclosure of government information explicitly or implicitly, even in the administrative practice activities in some developed areas such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and so on. This article mainly through the reading literature, the collection material way, uses the analysis comparison to carry on the research to the government information disclosure system, in order to carry on the thorough discussion to this system theory stratification level and the practice level correlation question. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part is an overview of the related concepts of government information disclosure and the significance of government information disclosure. The second part summarizes the development process of Chinese government information disclosure and analyzes the characteristics of Chinese government information disclosure through concrete practice reports. The third part analyzes the problems and causes of information work in China from many angles. The fourth part is mainly from the legal system, security system, ideas and other aspects to improve the system of government information disclosure countermeasures.
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