[Abstract]:In 2014, a group of excellent theoretical research results were formed in the field of administrative law research, which promoted the sustained and healthy development of administrative law research. Its research hot spot and present situation: in the administrative law basic theory aspect, mainly devotes to the administrative law theory localization research, and unifies the public administration vicissitude and the development, discusses the modern administrative law transformation. In the aspect of the principle of administrative law, the definition of the scope of administrative law, the theoretical origin of the principle of administrative rationality, the change of connotation and the influence on the judgment of the appropriateness of administrative act are discussed emphatically. How to lead the reform by rule of law and realize the modernization of governance system and governance ability has become a new research hotspot. The study of administrative behavior is still the focus of administrative law research. Concerning the administrative subject and the organic law, the main concern is the reform of the administrative system and the diversification of the subject of public governance. However, there are still some weak links in the study, that is, the research on the problems that should be answered and solved in practice is still to be deepened, and there is an obvious tendency of "legislation doctrine" in the study of specific system issues. In terms of research methods, there is room for expansion.
【作者单位】: 中国政法大学;
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