
发布时间:2018-01-20 21:12

  本文关键词: 网络 知识产权 执法措施 出处:《烟台大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着互联网科技的迅速发展,一方面对全球经济的持续增长做出重要贡献,另一方面基于互联网造成的知识产权侵权不断严重。各国都在打击知识产权侵权上不断努力,尤其是发达国家,为了维护经济的高速发展,不断加强在知识产权侵权中的执法力度。近期,美国进行的一系列打击网络侵权的全新执法措施引起了各方的关注。美国移民与海关总署利用美国对互联网先天的控制优势,关闭了一批侵犯美国知识产权的外国网站,其执法效力有了明显的域外效力。 本篇论文总共分为四部分。 第一部分主要介绍了美国新型知识产权执法措施的概况。首先,介绍了美国实施这种执法措施的背景,互联网的高速发展对经济的推动以及网络侵权的日益严重,迫使美国不断加强执法力度;其次,通过与原有的网络知识产权执法比较,,分析了新型执法措施的涵义;最后通过分析互联网的结构,论证了美国实施该执法措施的物质基础。 第二部分主要介绍了新型执法措施产生的影响。一方面是来自电影、传统出版业等方面的支持,另一方面是以互联网新兴产业的反对声音,此外还有来自普通民众对该措施是否侵犯公民基本权利的担忧。 第三部分主要分析了新型知识产权执法措施的法律问题。首先分析了网络背景下的管辖权问题,从互联网发展引起的管辖权理论的进步,探讨该执法措施的合理性;然后分别从冲突法角度和国际法角度对其法律问题进行分析。 第四部分主要分析从美国新型知识产权执法措施中我国获得的启示,为我国建立知识产权执法体系提出建议。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Internet technology, on the one hand, it has made an important contribution to the sustained growth of the global economy. On the other hand, the infringement of intellectual property rights caused by the Internet is becoming more and more serious. All countries are working hard to combat the infringement of intellectual property rights, especially in developed countries, in order to maintain the rapid development of the economy. We will continue to strengthen law enforcement in IPR infringement. A series of new enforcement measures to combat cyber piracy in the United States have attracted attention. The U.S. Immigration and Customs Administration has taken advantage of the country's inherent control over the Internet. A number of foreign websites infringing American intellectual property rights have been shut down, and their enforcement effects have been pronounced extraterritorial. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part mainly introduces the general situation of the new intellectual property law enforcement measures in the United States. Firstly, it introduces the background of the implementation of this kind of enforcement measures in the United States. The rapid development of the Internet promotes the economy and the increasingly serious network infringement, forcing the United States to strengthen the law enforcement; Secondly, through the comparison with the original network intellectual property law enforcement, the meaning of the new law enforcement measures is analyzed. Finally, by analyzing the structure of the Internet, the paper demonstrates the material basis of the enforcement measures in the United States. The second part mainly introduces the impact of the new law enforcement measures. On the one hand, from the film, traditional publishing industry and other aspects of support, on the other hand, with the Internet emerging industry voice of opposition. There is also concern among the general public about whether the measure violates citizens' fundamental rights. The third part mainly analyzes the legal problems of the new intellectual property law enforcement measures. Firstly, it analyzes the jurisdiction problem under the network background and the progress of the jurisdiction theory caused by the development of the Internet. To explore the rationality of the law enforcement measures; Then it analyzes its legal problems from the angle of conflict of laws and international law. In the 4th part, the author analyzes the enlightenment from the new intellectual property law enforcement measures in the United States, and puts forward some suggestions for the establishment of the intellectual property law enforcement system in China.


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