发布时间:2018-01-27 14:09
本文关键词: 信赖利益保护原则 学术史 司法判例 政府公信力 出处:《浙江工商大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:“信赖利益保护原则”于2000年被理论界正式引入中国大陆行政法体系,经过14年的发展,其已经成为大陆行政法不可或缺的重要构成要素。在其生成过程中,学理与实践构成了其生成的两条脉络。2005年以前,作为构建这一体系的主要动力,学理脉络通过比较法引入,建构了基本的话语结构。而2005年前后,立足于中国本土的实践脉络,通过立法与司法审判,建立了与学理脉络不同的,以“保障政府公信力”为基点的多样性信赖利益保护框架,成为后一时期信赖利益保护原则生成的决定要素。结合学理与实践,展望未来,我们认为,在未来的发展中,应当立足于国情,以保障政府公信力为基点,建构以案件类型为基础的综合普遍性与特殊性的中国信赖利益保护原则。具体而言: 第一部分通过简单梳理信赖利益保护原则在中国行政法理论与实践层面的具体样态,发现信赖利益保护原则已经开始了其中国化的过程,但是这一过程并未完成的简单结论,并提出借助探索其生成历史的方式进行追本溯源,还原其生成过程中的诸多要素,从而对其现状进行界定。 第二部分,对于2000年前后的相关理论与实践的分析,得出2000年可以被视为中国行政法信赖利益保护原则生成的基点,以何海波教授为代表的研究者们通过三篇文章,为信赖利益保护原则的中国化构建了一个较高层次的起点,而这一阶段,该原则尚未被应用于实践。 第三部分,阐述原点时期至2005年“益民公司案”这一阶段该原则的中国化发展径路,主要通过三方面进行论述:一,对理论层面之信赖利益保护原则,诚信原则和合法预期保护原则进行解析;二,对这一阶段的代表性立法,如《行政许可法》进行分析;三,对于具有代表性的“益民公司案”和“洋浦大源公司案”进行分析,从而得出结论:该原则在这一阶段主要基于理论建构,立法与司法实践助力相对较少,但是这些不多的实践已开始反映出其与理论模型的不同。 第四部分,分析从“益民公司案”至2012年前后最高人民法院公布“吴小琴案”等“五案”这一阶段中的历史演进。通过理论比较与地方案例的分析,得出这一阶段的基本样态:理论框架稳定,但是关于适用范围,历史源流等方面依然存在较大争议,合法预期开始代替诚信原则成为主要的相关原则。而以地方司法实践为代表的法院系统开始对这一原则进行自主创新,具体表现为:不断拓展其适用领域,尤以知识产权领域为最;出现五种主要的适用径路;一些共识逐渐形成:如过错等;而最高人民法院公布的具有节点意义的“五案”,虽然具体适用径路也有所不同,但是其与理论模型的差别已经显而易见:强调信赖基础作用下的相对人利益的保护,而这一径路的基础便是对于政府公信力的强调。这一阶段,司法实践已经逐步取代理论界,成为这一原则中国化主要动力。 第五部分,基于前述部分,对于该原则中国化生成历史进行相应反省,得出部分理论共识逐步形成但整体仍缺乏本土化关怀;司法实践积极填补空白,但是却有“徙木立信”一般的泛化忧虑的基本结论。在此反省基础上,提出立足于中国国情进行建设,以政府公信力保障为基点,建立普遍化与特殊化相结合的多元化适用模式的具体主张。
[Abstract]:"The principle of reliance interest protection in 2000 was formally introduced, the theory China administrative law system, after 14 years of development, it has become an important indispensable elements of administrative law in mainland. In the production process, the theory and practice of the two lines.2005 years ago, as the main force to construct the A system of the academic context introduced by the comparative method, construct the discourse structure. And after 2005, based on Chinese local practical context, through legislative and judicial trial is established with different academic context, to guarantee the credibility of the government" is the basis of the diversity of the trust benefit protection framework, be decided after a period of the principle of reliance interest protection generated elements. Combining theory and practice, in the future, we believe that in the future, should be based on national conditions, in order to ensure the credibility of the government as the starting point, Construction of the principle of protection of China's trust interests based on the type of case, which is comprehensive universality and particularity.
The first part by reviewing the principle of protection of reliance on the specific form of China administrative law theory and practice, found that the principle of reliance interest protection has already begun the process of Chinese, but this process has not completed the simple conclusion, and put forward by exploring the history of a trace to its source, restores its formation factors in the process, and thus to define the status quo.
The second part, the analysis of related theory and practice before and after 2000, the 2000 can be regarded as the basis of the principle of generation to protect the interests of the trust Chinese, researchers represented by Professor He Haibo, who by three articles, constructed the starting point for a higher level of trust for the principle of protecting the interests of the Chinese, and this a stage, the principle has not been applied in practice.
The third part expounds the origin of this stage period to 2005 "Yimin's case" the principle of the Chinese development path, discussed mainly through three aspects: first, the theoretical level of the trust benefit protection principle, the principle of good faith and the principle of protection of legitimate expectations of two, the representative; the stage of legislation such as the "administrative licensing law > analysis; three, the representative of the" Yimin company case "and" Yangpu source company case "analysis, thus draws the conclusion: the principle in this stage is mainly based on the theory, legislation and judicial practice of power is relatively small, but these little practice have begun to reflect it is different from the theoretical model.
The fourth part, analysis of historical evolution in this period from "Yimin's case" to 2012 before and after the Supreme People's Court promulgated the "Wu Xiaoqin case" and "five case". Through the analysis of the theory of comparative and case, draw the basic state of this stage: a theoretical framework for stability, but is about the scope of history and still controversial, legitimate expectations began to replace the principle of good faith principle. And become relevant to the local judicial practice of the court system to represent the beginning of independent innovation of this principle, the specific performance: expand the application fields, especially in the field of intellectual property is the most; there are five main types of suitable size the road; some consensus gradually formed such as: fault; the Supreme People's Court published with the node of the "Five" case, although the specific path is different, but the theory The difference is obviously model: the protection of the reliance foundation under the action of the relative emphasis on the interests of the people, and this is the basic path way to emphasise the credibility of the government. In this period, the judicial practice has gradually taken theorists, become the main driving force of this principle China.
The fifth part, based on the previous part, for the principle of Chinese formation history of the corresponding reflection, some theoretical consensus gradually formed but the overall localization is still a lack of concern; judicial practice to fill in the blanks, but "the conclusion resettlement wood Ericsson general concern. This generalization based on the basis of construction, put forward to China conditions, to guarantee the credibility of the government as the starting point, the establishment of universal and special combination of diversified application model of concrete proposals.
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