发布时间:2018-05-14 08:14
本文选题:著作权 + 侵权 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2014年博士论文
【摘要】:著作权的保护从一开始就建立在各国著作权相互独立的前提之下,这种方法不仅为第一部著作权国际公约《伯尔尼公约》所采纳,而且为后续国际公约所效仿,并延续至今。这种方法曾经促进了外国作者在本国的同等保护,并为构成著作权国际保护的基础。但是这种建立在地域性基础上的保护格局一度被认为阻碍了该领域跨界诉讼的产生,导致长期以来形成的观点是著作权领域并不存在冲突法。虽然经济、社会的发展使得这种观点变得有点过时,然而,地域性对法律适用规则的建构造成了影响则是不争的事实。与此相反,地域性是否对涉外著作权诉讼的管辖权确定产生影响的问题并未获得充分的重视,主要是由于有限的涉外著作权诉讼使得问题长期被遮蔽。而这样的问题在网络等科技发展的情况下越发需要解释和厘清。本文以涉外著作权侵权管辖权确立的标准为研究对象,在对既往实践和学说进行梳理、分析的基础上,认为尽管著作权保护的地域性使得传统侵权管辖权制度并不完全适合于著作权侵权,但是地域性并不阻碍发展适合于网络时代特点的侵权管辖权制度;具体管辖权标准的设定应该能够适应于网络发展的需要。 除绪论外,本文分为四章,分别为: 第一章主要解释了为什么涉外著作权侵权诉讼在历史上并未充分发展的原因。通过对著作权起源的考查发现,地域性不仅指权利只能在授予国有效,而且只能在授予国执行,因此本国并不会承认他国的权利保护,这一特征即便在《伯尔尼公约》缔结后也保持不变。公约只是通过国民待遇的方式解决了外国作者本国保护的问题,对于其他问题几乎留待各国自行决定。在当时的环境下,这是最行之有效的解决方法。这方面英美国家的实践也进一步佐证了对著作权权利性质的认识。其中英国以“不可裁决性”作为拒绝的原因,并通过将著作权诉讼当作“当地之诉”等理由加以解释,这种认识直到2011年才发生根本的改变;相反,美国一般通过“不方便法院”原则拒绝对涉外著作权侵权纠纷进行裁决,尤其是当诉讼方为外国人时。考虑到这两个国家所具有的国际影响力,就会发现这种拒绝裁决给此领域制度的发展带来了多大的影响。 第二章在第一章的基础上,试图分析当各国不再因为涉外著作权侵权而拒绝裁决时,传统的管辖权制度是否适合于著作权侵权的问题。本章重点分析了欧盟和美国管辖权确定的依据、一般管辖权和特别管辖权确立的方法、标的管辖权以及专属管辖权等问题,尤其是欧美国家在特别管辖权方面司法实践的发展及其影响。并且在考查管辖制度确立的目的、对比欧美之间司法实践的基础上,认为,专属管辖权并不适合于涉外著作权侵权;一般管辖权在欧美趋同,并且一般管辖权的获得无需著作权权利的存在为前提。然而,就侵权特别管辖权而言,在比较了学术论点以及司法实践后,认为著作权保护的地域性使得传统的“引起损害发生的事件所在地”和“损害发生地”的“二分法”并不完全适合于著作权侵权。即便承认“二分法”,也重合于存在权利的国家。 第三章分析的对象为网络发展对著作权侵权管辖权确定的影响。尤其是重点分析了欧盟和美国在应对网络挑战时所发展出的确定管辖权方法,比如“滑动标尺”标准及其修正、“指向”标准、“特定指向”标准以及“可登入性”标准。同时分析了美国司法实践中对网络情况下管辖权意义上“损害发生地”的认定及其影响。这些针对网络所发展出的各种方法进一步表明针对此问题的认识,分歧大于共识,这对当事方以及其他方都带来了影响。考虑到著作权甚至知识产权所具有的巨大价值,协调这方面的管辖权制度变得越发必要。 第四章讨论了目前协调涉外著作权侵权管辖权的四个建议方案,即海牙国际私法会议的“判决公约(草案)”、美国的ALI原则、欧洲的CLIP原则以及日韩的“共同提案”。由于“判决公约”未能充分处理知识产权、网络等问题,导致学者们专门起草了针对知识产权的冲突法原则。就后三个方案而言,其共同点主要体现在:首先,都规定了内容实质上相同的一般管辖权制度,并且一般管辖权的确立并不以权利的存在为前提;同时认为专属管辖权并不适合著作权侵权,这样的建议也与前述司法实践相一致;其次,均在实质上区分了管辖权和法律适用,这等于否定美国司法实践中获得管辖权就确立了美国法适用的做法;最后,在侵权特别管辖权确定上,采取了确定管辖权的同时限定管辖范围的做法。然而最大的分歧也在特别管辖权标准上:除CLIP原则外,包括“判决公约”在内的其他方案均认为一般侵权的二分法同样适用于涉外著作权侵权纠纷。相反,CLIP原则严格遵循地域性对侵权管辖权确定的影响,只在网络情况下予以特殊处理。而三个方案都特别处理了网络情况下的侵权管辖权确定问题,且均以“指向”标准作为获得管辖权的根据,只是各自规定的内容稍有不同。 最后部分是本文的结论。由于在专属管辖、一般管辖等问题上已经几乎达到共识,故涉外著作权侵权管辖权的主要争议仅在于地域性是否对其存在影响。本论文的分析表明,地域性对涉外著作权侵权的特别管辖权确立产生了影响。然而,,在应对网络语境下的侵权问题时,需要特殊处理才能符合现实中灵活而有效的要求。
[Abstract]:On the premise that copyright protection is not only adopted by the first copyright international convention , but also for the follow - up international conventions , this method has promoted foreign authors ' protection in the field of copyright infringement , and it is the basis for the international protection of copyright .
The establishment of specific jurisdiction standards should be adapted to the needs of network development .
In addition to the introduction , this paper is divided into four chapters :
The first chapter mainly explains the reason why copyright infringement litigation has not been fully developed in history .
On the contrary , the United States generally refuses to award a dispute over copyright infringement involving foreign copyright through the principle of " inconvenient court " , especially when the party is a foreigner . In view of the international influence of the two countries , it will find that such refusal award has brought much influence on the development of the system in this field .
Chapter 2 , on the basis of the first chapter , attempts to analyze whether the traditional jurisdiction system is suitable for copyright infringement when the countries no longer refuse to decide because of copyright infringement . This chapter focuses on the development and influence of the judicial practice established by European Union and American jurisdiction , the jurisdiction of the subject and the exclusive jurisdiction , especially the judicial practice of European and American countries in special jurisdiction .
However , in the case of infringement of special jurisdiction , it is believed that the regional nature of copyright protection makes the traditional " dichotomy of event location " and " harm generating place " not suitable for copyright infringement . Even if the dichotomy is recognized , it is also coincident with the country where the right exists .
Chapter 3 analyzes the influence of network development on the determination of copyright infringement jurisdiction , especially the determination jurisdiction method developed by European Union and the United States in dealing with the network challenge , such as " slide scale " standard and its amendment , " point to " standard , " specific point " standard and " accessibility " standard .
The fourth chapter discusses four proposals for the coordination of the jurisdiction of copyright infringement , namely , the decision of the Hague Conference on Private International Law ( Draft ) , the ALI principle in the United States , the European clip principle and the " co - proposal " of Japan and Korea , which have led scholars to draw up the principle of conflict law aiming at intellectual property rights .
At the same time , it is believed that exclusive jurisdiction is not suitable for copyright infringement , which is also consistent with the aforesaid judicial practice ;
Secondly , the application of jurisdiction and law is clearly distinguished , which is tantamount to denying jurisdiction in American judicial practice and establishing the applicable law of American law ;
Finally , on the basis of the determination of the special jurisdiction of infringement , the practice of defining jurisdiction is adopted . However , the biggest difference is also on the criterion of special jurisdiction : the dichotomy of general tort is regarded as the dichotomy of general tort as well as the dispute of copyright infringement involving foreign copyright . On the contrary , it is specially dealt with in the case of network . In addition , the three schemes deal with the problem of jurisdiction determination in the case of network , and it is only slightly different according to the content of " pointing " standard as the basis for obtaining jurisdiction .
The final part is the conclusion of this paper . As a result , there is almost no consensus on the jurisdiction , general jurisdiction and so on . Therefore , the main dispute over the jurisdiction of copyright infringement is whether the regional nature has an influence on it . The analysis of this paper shows that the regional nature has an influence on the establishment of the special jurisdiction of copyright infringement . However , in dealing with the problem of infringement in the context of network , special treatment is required to meet the requirement of flexible and effective in reality .