发布时间:2018-07-21 20:46
【摘要】:进入21世纪后,我国经济发展和社会生活对化工产品的依赖在加剧,可作为化学工业主要源头原料的石油和天然气资源的开发却受到了限制。在国内外石油、天然气价格不断上涨,和我国缺油、少气、富煤的能源状况大背景下,发展以煤为原料的煤化工无疑是化工产业最好的发展方向。但大型煤化工是一个新兴的产业,其不但需要巨大的投资,而且还需要许多前沿的技术。谁先掌握了煤化工生产的最先进技术,谁就掌握了煤化工发展的未来。在新型煤化工项目如雨后春笋一样出现的今天,如何能以高效、经济的管理模式将煤化工项目建设好,使其快速地投入运营,也成为了煤化工企业所关注的一个热点。新乡年产20万吨乙二醇项目是河南煤业化工集团公司成立后,为调整产品结构,提升企业竞争力而决策上马的第一批重点煤化工项目之一,而且该项目采用了国内自主知识产权的最新煤制乙二醇技术。该项目于2012年3月底成功打通了生产流程并产出了合格产品。经过几次技术改造后,产量和质量均得到了大幅提升,其产品在销售市场上也占据了一席之地。 本文拟以新乡年产20万吨乙二醇建设项目的管理为研究对象,从不同侧面剖析了项目建设各个阶段的管理工作。文中通过对项目建设的决策、设计、施工、试车与试生产各阶段管理实践的回顾,对不同阶段的成本、采购、质量、组织架构与人力资源、信息沟通等几个方面的管理工作情况进行总结,研究和归纳了适合河南煤业化工集团管控模式的煤化工建设项目管理方式与经验教训。 期望通过本文的研究能够为河南煤业化工集团煤化工项目建设管理,以及国内类似化工项目的建设管理提供有价值的借鉴和参考。
[Abstract]:After entering the 21st century , China ' s economic development and social life depend on chemical products . The development of petroleum and natural gas resources , which can be used as the main source of chemical industry , has been limited .
Based on the management of 200,000 tons of ethylene glycol construction project in Xinxiang , this paper analyzes the management of various stages of project construction from different sides . Through reviewing the management practices in various stages , such as decision making , design , construction , commissioning and trial production , this paper summarizes the management situation of cost , procurement , quality , organization structure and human resources and information communication in different stages .
It is hoped that the research in this paper can provide valuable reference and reference for the construction and management of coal chemical engineering projects in Henan coal industry , as well as the construction management of similar chemical projects in China .
[Abstract]:After entering the 21st century , China ' s economic development and social life depend on chemical products . The development of petroleum and natural gas resources , which can be used as the main source of chemical industry , has been limited .
Based on the management of 200,000 tons of ethylene glycol construction project in Xinxiang , this paper analyzes the management of various stages of project construction from different sides . Through reviewing the management practices in various stages , such as decision making , design , construction , commissioning and trial production , this paper summarizes the management situation of cost , procurement , quality , organization structure and human resources and information communication in different stages .
It is hoped that the research in this paper can provide valuable reference and reference for the construction and management of coal chemical engineering projects in Henan coal industry , as well as the construction management of similar chemical projects in China .
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