[Abstract]:With the increasing frequency of international economic exchanges and the deepening of economic cooperation, the world economy has entered the era of globalization and integration. The output and input of intellectual achievements have become an important way to develop economy and enrich people's material and spiritual life. At the same time, the number of intellectual property disputes has increased rapidly, which undoubtedly brings new problems and challenges to the court. A single lawsuit can no longer meet the needs of the intellectual property field for the diversification of dispute settlement methods. At this time, Arbitration, as an objective and final method of settling disputes, has shown its unique advantages in the field of intellectual property protection. Although it has become a trend for countries to apply arbitration to the field of intellectual property rights, there is still a lack of uniform standards and differences on the arbitrability of intellectual property infringement disputes at this stage. In view of this, this paper chooses to study the arbitrability of intellectual property infringement disputes. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into five parts: the first part defines the arbitrability of the dispute, discusses the legal basis of the arbitrability of the dispute, and then analyzes the nature of the intellectual property infringement dispute; The second part analyzes the advantages of arbitration dispute resolution, reflects its superiority in the process of the development of arbitration, and then expounds its advantages in several aspects; the third part, The fourth part is to analyze the current situation of legislation and practice of intellectual property rights infringement disputes in China, so as to compare the practices of our country with those of the rest of the world. Drawing on some of these good practices; part five, combining the advantages and feasibility of arbitration mentioned above, to study the arbitrability of intellectual property disputes in China. This paper analyzes the legislation and practice of intellectual property disputes in China and the world, and finds out how to improve the legislation and institutional construction of intellectual property rights infringement disputes in China. In this paper, the author innovates the arbitrability of intellectual property rights infringement disputes to the international point of view, connects China with the world, and draws lessons from the good practices of other countries in this respect. In order to improve the legislation and institutional construction of intellectual property infringement disputes in China.
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