[Abstract]:Film is the product of the development of science and technology. Some international copyright conventions and most countries have listed film works as the object protected by copyright law. As a special kind of works in copyright law, film works refer not to screenplays, but to finished films. Because of its comprehensive artistry, collectivity, technology and duty, film has become a complex object of right. Therefore, the copyright law needs to clarify the legal relationship between the subjects of the right, and the most distinctive one is to attribute the copyright of the film works to the producer. In this case, the legal relationship between film works and other works, how to balance the rights and interests between producer and director, screenwriter and original author are two important areas of this paper. On the basis of the previous research, the author points out that the present law of copyright law lacks and is not clear, such as the relationship between film works and original works is not clear enough, and the definition of film works is not clear enough. The definition of film works and the ownership of the copyright of film works play an important role in resolving disputes in our country's copyright law. In terms of theoretical research and practical experience, what provisions of Chinese copyright law are not enough and need to be further improved. In the end, according to the previous argumentation research, this paper puts forward some existing problems as a reference. The text is divided into four parts: the first part is the definition of film works. This paper attempts to identify film works accurately from three aspects: the definition of film works, the attributes of films, and the elements of film works. The attribute of film works is the basis of this paper. In the later discussion, the attribute of film works is used to prove other problems. The second and third parts introduce the relationship between the film works and the original works, and the relationship between the producers and the authors of other works. This paper mainly analyzes several legislative examples and the relationship between the film works and the original works in the copyright law of our country. The fourth part, mainly discusses the copyright ownership of film works. This paper discusses the philosophical value basis of intellectual property law, compares the regulations on the copyright attribution of film works in several major countries, and focuses on the copyright attribution of film works in China.
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