[Abstract]:The trademark used by the trademark user is protected by the Trademark Law and the copyright Law when the figure of the trademark and the pattern conforms to the constitution condition of the art work, and the trademark used by the user is protected by the Trademark Law and the copyright Law. If the trademark user is used as the figure or pattern of the trademark, it may involve the infringement of the copyright by the trademark. Since the 1990 s, trademark infringement of copyright cases are common. The academic circles have carried out extensive discussions, but the focus is mainly on the analysis of specific cases and the study of the principles and guiding ideology of solving the case. There is no comprehensive and complete research result on how to determine the responsibility of stopping infringement in a concrete and reasonable way. The Trademark Law of our country and the opinions of the Supreme people's Court of 2009 on some problems of intellectual property trial serving the overall situation under the current economic situation have given a corresponding response to this problem, but it is still not reasonable and perfect. Through the empirical analysis of trademark infringement cases since 1996, this paper finds that in judicial practice, the number of cases in which unregistered trademark infringes copyright and the figures involved have been used as trademarks before infringement has gradually increased in recent years. And there is the problem of the ex officio judgment to stop the infringement liability. In view of the above new situation and problems, the liability of stop infringement of trademark users should be restricted conditionally and reasonably according to the types of different cases. From the angle of balance of interests, the essential difference between work and trademark in value embodiment and interest realization determines that the liability of stopping infringement of trademark users must be restricted reasonably and conditionally. In order to achieve the state of balance of interests and the result of fairness and justice. From the point of view of intellectual property law, limiting the liability of trademark users to stop infringing can save the production cost, intellectual property cost and social cost, and achieve greater social and economic benefits. From the perspective of the prohibition of abuse of rights in civil law, restricting copyright before can effectively avoid abuse of rights and achieve legislative intent and substantive justice. In order to limit the liability for cessation of infringement, the subjective fault, the loss of both sides and the public interest should be taken into account, and the specific conditions for the limitation of liability for cessation of infringement should be determined according to the different types of cases. However, to limit the liability to stop infringement is to tilt the balance of rights to the trademark user. In order to achieve the balance of interests, it is necessary to reasonably apply other civil liabilities-apology and compensation for losses. Apology and compensation can restore the dignity of the copyright owner, make up for the economic loss, and realize the relief to the copyright owner in an all-round way.
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