[Abstract]:Agriculture is the foundation of China, seed industry is the leading industry of agriculture. Seed is one of the most basic means of production in agricultural production, a carrier of agricultural science and technology and other agricultural input elements, and a key factor in determining the yield and quality of crops. Therefore, the seed industry is safe. It determines the safety of agricultural products, the quality of seed industries, the quality of agricultural products, the level of development of seed industries, and the level of development of agricultural products, and plays an irreplaceable role in agricultural development. It is a prerequisite and key factor that affects the national grain reserve and security. We must attach importance to the basic position of seed industry in the production of agricultural products and constantly improve and enhance the production and processing of seed industry. Wenzhou seed enterprises mainly run by private, start early, develop fast, but there are many drawbacks. Through investigating major seed enterprises in Wenzhou, visiting experts and technical personnel of Wenzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Bureau of Agriculture, and non-staple food office, this study systematically, comprehensively and objectively analyzed the present situation and problems of the seed industry in Wenzhou. And puts forward the corresponding countermeasure to the Wenzhou seed industry development. The analysis shows that there are some problems in Wenzhou seed industry, such as variety research and development and intellectual property protection, management system, seed processing, seed quality inspection, market supervision and so on, according to the present situation of Wenzhou seed industry. In view of the above problems, the author thinks that the development of Wenzhou seed industry can take measures to improve the legal system, strengthen management, standardize the seed market, construct the superior seed industry cluster, promote the large-scale development of the industry, increase scientific research investment, and improve the level of scientific and technological innovation. Speed up the breeding of new varieties, take the brand road, renew the management concept, establish the modern enterprise system and other corresponding countermeasures.
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