[Abstract]:Rule of law provides the function of escort for economic construction. With the great development and prosperity of the socialist market economy in our country, all kinds of lame legs in the construction of the rule of law begin to appear, especially in the connection mechanism of administrative punishment and criminal punishment. Has seriously affected to the socialist market economy order crime attack strength and the effect. To solve these problems and to establish a smooth and efficient linking mechanism between administrative punishment and criminal punishment has become the key to rectifying and standardizing the order of market economy and establishing and perfecting the socialist market economic system. Theoretically, at present, the academic circles divide the boundaries between administrative violations and administrative violations. Whether the administrative penalty and the criminal punishment can be applied double and the order of handling of the two are a series of core issues related to the relationship between the administrative violation and the administrative violation. These problems are further reflected in the legislative and judicial practice, resulting in a lot of confusion. In terms of legislation, although our country has clearly put forward the concept of establishing a link mechanism between administrative punishment and criminal punishment since the beginning of rectifying and standardizing the order of the market economy in 2001, until now, there is still no special law to regulate it. But only scattered in some separate administrative regulations, or a small number of separate laws involving individual provisions and so on. The defects in legislation lead to many problems in practice. For example, according to statistics, in recent years, the violation of the socialist market economic order, the obstruction of the social management order and the increasing number of illegal and criminal cases in the field of intellectual property, The number of cases investigated and dealt with by administrative punishment organs has also increased year by year. However, the number of cases transferred to judicial organs to investigate criminal responsibility is obviously small. There are also fewer cases of final investigation of criminal responsibility after transfer, and there is still a lack of information communication among various departments. The transfer of cases is not timely, cooperation and cooperation is not standardized, and more serious, the phenomenon of "punishment by punishment" is more common, becoming a stubborn disease. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the relevant legislation to perfect the link mechanism between administrative punishment and criminal punishment, to establish a mechanism for information sharing, to strengthen the transfer of cases, to strengthen supervision on filing a case, to increase the intensity of punishing job-related crimes, and to fundamentally form a resultant force of attack. Only by punishing criminals according to law can we guarantee the smooth progress of socialist construction.
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