
发布时间:2019-07-02 12:58
【摘要】:随着经济全球化和贸易自由化的深入发展,传统的关税和种类繁多的非关税壁垒被不断消除,贸易保护手段也日益隐蔽和复杂。知识产权壁垒作为当今知识经济条件下的一种新型贸易壁垒,已经成为许多国家保护本国经济、打击竞争对手的重要手段。作为一个经济快速发展的发展中国家,我国更是成为许多国家实施知识产权壁垒的最大受害国。因此,,对知识产权壁垒进行深入研究和分析,并在此基础上提出有效应对知识产权壁垒的措施,已经成为摆在我们面前的重要课题。 本文结合知识产权壁垒的理论基础,分析了知识产权壁垒产生的原因及其对国际贸易的影响。接着阐述了我国对外贸易中遭受的知识产权壁垒的现状及原因,并对知识产权壁垒对我国对外贸易的影响进行了实证分析。本文选取了我国对外贸易出口总额为被解释变量,选取遭遇知识产权壁垒状况、研究与开发投入、其他国家国内生产总值总额、汇率、直接利用外商投资额为解释变量,得出遭遇知识产权壁垒会对我国出口额造成很大的消极影响。在此基础上,从政府、行业协会、企业三个角度分别提出了有效应对知识产权壁垒的建议。
[Abstract]:With the further development of economic globalization and trade liberalization, traditional tariffs and a wide variety of non-tariff barriers have been eliminated, and the means of trade protection have become increasingly hidden and complex. As a new type of trade barrier under the condition of knowledge economy, intellectual property barrier has become an important means for many countries to protect their own economy and crack down on their competitors. As a developing country with rapid economic development, China has become the biggest victim of intellectual property barriers in many countries. Therefore, the in-depth study and analysis of intellectual property barriers, and on this basis, put forward effective measures to deal with intellectual property barriers, has become an important issue in front of us. Based on the theoretical basis of intellectual property barriers, this paper analyzes the causes of intellectual property barriers and their impact on international trade. Then it expounds the present situation and causes of intellectual property barriers in China's foreign trade, and makes an empirical analysis of the impact of intellectual property barriers on China's foreign trade. In this paper, the total amount of China's foreign trade exports is selected as the explained variable, the situation of intellectual property barriers, research and development investment, the gross domestic product (GDP) of other countries, the exchange rate and the direct use of foreign investment are selected as explanatory variables, and it is concluded that the encounter of intellectual property barriers will have a great negative impact on China's exports. On this basis, this paper puts forward some suggestions to deal with intellectual property barriers effectively from three angles: government, trade association and enterprise.


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