[Abstract]:Nowadays, the problem of environmental pollution is frequent, and the contradiction between economic growth and environmental damage is increasingly prominent. For this reason, the country has issued laws and regulations related to the protection of the environment, and the environmental protection consciousness of the general public is increasing day by day. As a typical representative of high pollution and high energy consumption, iron and steel industry has more serious environmental pollution problems and is facing enormous pressure of environmental costs. However, most enterprises do not pay attention to environmental costs at this stage, and environmental cost accounting is chaotic. Therefore, only by improving and breaking through the environmental cost accounting of enterprises, making thorough research on the problems of environmental cost confirmation and measurement, can we provide real environmental information to information users and promote the sustainable and stable development of enterprises. Based on the above background, this paper mainly takes the environmental cost accounting as the research object, the environmental value theory, the external cost internalization theory, the sustainable development theory as the instruction, unifies our country environment cost research present situation, from the environment cost confirmation, This paper optimizes the environmental cost accounting system of Y iron and steel enterprises from the aspects of measurement, distribution and recording, so as to provide ideas for the environmental cost accounting of Y iron and steel enterprises. Firstly, this paper expounds the current research situation of environmental cost accounting at home and abroad, the theoretical basis and relevant principles of environmental cost, summarizes the meaning and classification of environmental cost, and then combines with the current situation of environmental cost accounting in Y iron and steel enterprises. It is found that there are some problems in the environmental cost accounting of this enterprise, such as incomplete confirmation, single measurement method, unreasonable distribution, unscientific accounting treatment and so on. Based on the analysis of the causes of the problems, and according to the actual situation of Y enterprise, this paper analyzes the reasons for the problems. By perfecting the recognition and classification of environmental cost, improving the measurement method and introducing activity-based costing to improve the environmental cost accounting system of Y enterprise, the specific process of environmental cost accounting in Y enterprise is clarified. Finally, the paper puts forward the relevant safeguard measures to perfect Y enterprise environmental cost accounting system. The optimization of Y iron and steel enterprise environmental cost accounting system can make the enterprise more accurately calculate environmental cost and product cost. To help enterprise managers to analyze and control the cost of products and environmental costs, reduce the emissions of related pollutants in production operations, and promote the coordinated development of the relationship between the enterprise economy and the environment. At the same time for other iron and steel enterprises to build environmental cost accounting system to provide reference.
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