[Abstract]:In a market environment in which the trade price of coal in the whole industry is falling and the demand for coal is falling, the coal industry with overcapacity is undergoing the test of "three go, one cut, one supplement", and the first task, "go capacity." How to control the risk of the capital chain in the new market environment is a part of the enterprise to deal with the financial risk and the management risk, which is an urgent problem related to the survival of the enterprise. Based on the background of deproductivity, this paper takes DT Coal Company as the research object. Firstly, it identifies the risk of capital chain in the process of deproductivity, and then puts forward corresponding risk control suggestions to ensure the smooth progress of deproductivity. Maintain steady development. First of all, from the perspective of capital circulation theory, the paper subdivides the risk research of capital chain into four parts: the process of raising funds, the process of investment, the process of operation and the process of fund recovery. After expounding the influence of the policy of deproductivity on the capital chain of DT coal company, the risk of capital chain is identified and evaluated by using the Z score model and the F score model, which are widely used in academic circles. It is found that the causes of risk in the process of raising funds are large scale of financing, unreasonable structure, blind investment of new production capacity and low efficiency. The risk causes of operation are the decline of sales and the lack of cost control. The causes of the risks in the process of capital recovery are the slow turnover of funds and the high risk of bad debts. Finally, in order to control the risk of the enterprise's capital chain, and at the same time to promote the smooth progress of the production capacity, According to the risk causes of the four links of the capital chain, four risk control suggestions are put forward, one is to maintain a reasonable capital structure, the other is to transform the form of debt, the other is to invest scientifically, to cultivate advanced production capacity, and third, to eliminate excess and backward capacity. Control cost and expense, four is to strengthen the management of accounts receivable, comprehensive control of recovery risk. Through the research on the risk management of capital chain, this paper can provide reference for DT coal company to improve the awareness of financial risk prevention, and it has the guiding significance to promote the smooth progress of the production capacity of similar coal enterprises and ensure the smooth turnover of the capital chain.
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