发布时间:2019-06-20 04:26
[Abstract]:Just a few days ago, CRU International Co., Ltd., a professional organization specializing in mineral, metal, wire and cable and chemical fertilizer industry analysis, released an analysis report on the phosphate rock market. The report points out that the global phosphate market is overcapacity and prices are falling, thus further reducing the profits of phosphate manufacturers. Although the cost of phosphate mining has fallen by 12 percent since 2014, it cannot make up for the profit cuts caused by overcapacity. In view of this, the European Union is about to
[Abstract]:Just a few days ago, CRU International Co., Ltd., a professional organization specializing in mineral, metal, wire and cable and chemical fertilizer industry analysis, released an analysis report on the phosphate rock market. The report points out that the global phosphate market is overcapacity and prices are falling, thus further reducing the profits of phosphate manufacturers. Although the cost of phosphate mining has fallen by 12 percent since 2014, it cannot make up for the profit cuts caused by overcapacity. In view of this, the European Union is about to
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