本文关键词: 基金公司治理 反思 创新 出处:《学术交流》2011年10期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The governance of fund companies in our country is the product of institutional innovation, which fully integrates the multi-dimensional characteristics of trust law, financial law and company law, showing distinctive characteristics, which promote the prosperity and development of the industry at the same time. The development of fund industry shows that the stockholders' threshold is high, the ownership structure is unreasonable, and the equity structure is not stable. Deep impact on corporate governance. In the perspective of conflict of laws and regulations, the interests of shareholders and holders in the governance of fund companies are not consistent, the risk responsibilities of both parties are not equal, and the parties are out of balance. At the same time. The governance of the fund company also has the duality of independent directors, the conflicts of the inspector's system and the weakening of the board of supervisors, and so on, which need to be solved urgently. In order to develop the fund industry, it is necessary to innovate the institutional arrangements. The proposed approaches include optimizing equity policy, introducing corporate fund and fund management trading market, promoting the incentive mechanism of basic right, introducing governance rating system, and so on.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;
【正文快照】: 公司治理,泛指管理层对股东和利益相关者负责的一系列的制度安排和商业实践[1]。一直以来,公司治理就属于热门研究课题,研究范式也历经多次变迁,但基金公司的治理及相关制度却鲜见讨论。实务中,我国很多人将基金公司治理混同于基金治理,其实这是一个误区。基金公司治理是股东
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